MINDNIGHT - FM Edition Hippo technically wins!

I just want my extra node acception.

So then I may finally win

@Twil1ight ill rant about Admin and Nuker endgame. But yeah, its just a fucking crutch for bad scum. At least let it be counterable in some way

It’s also a crutch for bad town
That argument is invalid

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You do realize you’d have never called out both Celeste and myself without Max being the admin, right?

I’ve got a 96% hacker winrate on mindnight with plenty of games played. This strat works near flawlessly when executed properly.

No one even comprehends the possibility of it being Scum VS Scum

But like yes.

You and celeste are the hackers and Max is DA.
You do realise its obvious that the two of you qere the hackers right? Any DA can easily fakeclaim admin

Yes. Its a crutch for everybody.

Its a rather bastard mechanic tbh

Scum just get the better end of it.

Double Agent is the bastard mechanic
not Admin/Nuker

Nuker is still a better crutch than Admin.

2/3 nodes hacked.
x and y are hacker. Im admin. (Tbf this is bad townplay)
2/3 nodes secured now.


Maybe if Maximus wasn’t so obvious we wouldn’t have won :thinking:

See how Hacker’s crutch is superior.

In this case they deserved the win.
But sorry to say Marl. You played like ass

Also Twil1ght didn’t design the two. The developers from MINDNIGHT did.
Go bitch at them instead kthankx :wink:

The goal isn’t to get in nodes
It’s to find the admin

Which I have done

Shit. Yeah, i need to bitch at them

And this is why I don’t like their game

Maybe just git gud :^)

Well its not my play asshole

Maybe you get good and stop being so obvious