MINDNIGHT - FM Edition Hippo technically wins!

This forum game has truly made me realise how much I really hate MINDNIGHT.

And how poorly designed and balanced the game is

should direct that at Maximus if you’re salty kthanks

Its basically hackers win unless they’re ass

MINDNIGHT is shit.
The devs cant dev an interesting deduction game for shit. The game is mundane and is just overall unfun to play
The only things I can really say is that the spritework is nice and the stat screens are cool to see

It just feels like Celeste made the game with her signature bastard mechanics.

God. This forum game just made me realise how much i really dislike MINDNIGHT. I wanted to host Forum Mindnight at one point but I decided i dont like the game so I didnt do it

@Margaret host bastard mindnight and I’ll consider joining.

I want to make bastard mindnight.

I feel like the devs would take it seriously and add the bastard stuff into the game, considering they dont really know what balance is

Let’s see what my pathetic anger can be shaped into

Maybe don’t take it out on this forum
go eat something to soak the salt

Eat the salt?

Choice Voters
Accept Pug, CaptainNerbins, MaximusPrime
Abstainers The rest

Team was accepted. Since you all know i’m gonna post results.

The Node was secured!

Hackers have last chance to compromise all Nodes.

@Margaret identify the Admin. Post your choice in thread by writing: /DDOS [player] . You have only one shot.

It’s Max Celeste! Fuckin nuke em


Kek u better be rite marl @Twil1ight

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Stop posting. The results are coming…

nah it was nerbins

but i suspected both of you after the first node tbh, only confirmed after nerbins the admin said so

i honestly don’t know how you didn’t realize it was nerbins

(I was gonn DDoS the guy no one looked at aka nerby just saying)

(But Marl was so insistent on you)

BZZZZZZZ! Incorrect!

Agents win!

Hacker Team: Marluxion, Celeste_Ludenberg

Admin: CaptainNerbins

The game is over. If please stop posting FOR NOW. I would like to annouce something.

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Doesn’t matter.
I still won da gam.

Heya champ!