MINDNIGHT - FM Edition Hippo technically wins!


Text is too big so idk if I’m too late

Tw1 do you want balance help? :3

omg lol

super big to spooper smol

This is compicated machinery…my boi. KEK

im the best mindnight player alive tho

No me

It’s like text but every time you press enter it gets larger

Loool @Twil1ight you forgot to add the </div>s to close your centre texts. Adding em will fix it

OK I GOT IT. Much appriecated for Hep.

:derp: :hammer:


Still a couple things though:

  • The missing spaces between a few of the texts mean the text is centred too.
  • No need for a role list bullet
  • No need for spaces on the roles that are longer. since they’ll be centred right already

Ok now sign are open! Now you can join HYPERLUL

I’m looking for a co-host to perform any actions more smoothly in case i;m not here.

i would fix it in meantime.

Also you need to tell us how many people go to each node
And make Double Agent not Named Townie


Ur late :frowning:

Remove neut

I’m gonna annouce it every round! Double Agent is for test purposes. 4 vs 3 is heavily scum-sided imo.

Include it in the OP as well
This is not a bastard game
Also remove the Neut and make him scum

It’d be 3 hackers 4 agents and 3 4 4 3 4 right?