MINDNIGHT - FM Edition Hippo technically wins!

i feel like the neut doesn’t really fit in yeah

One of those nodes requires a double hack doesn’t it

Double Agent can’t either secure/hack 3 time in a row.


The neut doesn’t fit - it’s just a weird addition
IMO no reason for it

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Bigger games are scumsided but MINDNIGHT is also turbo
It balances fine here

Can you trust me on this boi? I can switch it every time. I’m just testing it out. You don’t guys have any idea how it was good looking… Thanks again modes.

I guess
It will either be a named town or stupidly complicated


Found the issue, the choosing phase </div> was missing still.



Roll :slight_smile:

A million people have joined this lel

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signups only opened 7 mins ago

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Make it hydra 5 player, so 10 people, and remove the neut lel

I totally didn’t type john btw

I typed join on the first try totally!

pls no
smaller games are gud

/join but this shouldn’t be needed again I’m p sure lel

We joining again wut
