[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

JK can’t be roleblocked as IIRC it’s processed before RB.

ok so if I vote leafia

can y’all promise to at least try to win?

i’ll JK alice if that helps

hell, we don’t know what tech even has

does your JK block day actions


I’ll break the entire scenario down for you honestly to my full knowledge so this bs can stop:

  1. If we don’t kill Alice today we 100% lose as she can keep creating bots as far as we know

  2. Alice can vote you out and win so the threat isn’t empty (1/2 for you to lose on executing Alice)

  3. We have one member with a delayed night occupation who can occ you and allow the final remaining maf to kill you on n7 (2/3 for you to lose on executing maf)

JK Alice does nothing, Alice will have majority with bots 100% tommorow

can you at least try to kill a bot if I vote one of y’all out

it’s the best chance you nerds have at winning

if we kill a bot then it’s Alice with 5 votes and 4 other alive players. That’s majority for Alice

That just makes you a spiteful and bad person to put this much pressure on him and I’m pretty sure that you’re better than that even from the short time that I’ve known you. Marshal deserves a win regardless of how he votes with today and I’d personally rather lose myself than to see him lose too. I think even you can see just how much pressure he’s under right now.

If that’s the truth then the game will automatically resolve since there’s no way of me losing, so your ultimatum is null and void.

we 100% lose if Alice doesn’t die in the rand today


I mean there is… really nothing I can do

untrue! there’s a chance of you losing by getting executed today

don’t worry rand is riggered, Alice will die

If you’re telling the truth, ask App and Mist to vote themselves.

Lol, imagine believing this.


I don’t believe for a nanosecond that she’d yeet you here.

I mean maybe tech has an ability of usefulness in this situation but he hasn’t been on

I’m not a gamethrower Alice.

You said you’d rather lose than see Marshal lose, so lol.