[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!


Hard scumread anyone who didnt join event but was active

Too slow

Yea, not getting anywhere with that I guess. At least be honest and say it’s null then. :wink:

Playerlist has filled.

Please do not discuss this event in any place besides the designated event thread.

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i tried

And I just got on and saw it’s too late to join event.

Oh well

Meh u tried once it was clear it was full


Seems convenient to me.

Sure, but Frostwolf was the same

i wasn’t that active so i didn’t see the post until it was too late

N, do you have a spicy read for me?

Please let me die in this event so I can run away from the responsability of playing Mafia

If frost is scum hell get himself killed later so it’s best to always town lock him

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leafia scum
i fail to see any distinctions from her insurgency playstyle that alice is trying to establish

Gentleman, I’m about to depart on a voyage of a lifetime. If I do not return, and I may not, please honor my life by hanging PKR.


So there’ll be a special thread put up for the event? Waits for ticket to event to come

That’s very mild. Do you have another for my palate?

dat town
he’s so far given 0 evidence of panic

he was petrified on what might happen if he had subbed into scum in FoL 24
and well everyone knows what happened D1 in BotF IV

Now to wait for the event to start.