Welcome to Minority Rule!
Credit for the original game idea goes to Ddynamo on the Town of Salem Forums.
Minority rule is played in rounds. Each round, the host randomly selects a number of rooms equal to ⅓ of the living players rounded down (never less than two). You must choose one room to enter by sending the host your pick in a private message. When everybody has submitted a room, the players in the room with the most people are eliminated. However, most rooms also have a special effect of some kind, which can act either in your favor or to your detriment. Once there are less than three living players, everybody that is still alive is crowned a winner.
- Follow the global forum rules.
- Respect the host and their decisions.
- Send a room within a timely manner. The host may modkill you if you are holding up the game.
- You may communicate privately with other players, but the host must be included in any such conversation.
- Have fun.
Air - A random picker becomes light.
Betrayal - If this room is tied for the minority, it gains infinite picks and becomes the majority.
Death - Everyone who picks this dies, even if it is not the majority.
Dice - Everyone who picks this is given a random status.
Divide - Everyone who picks this counts as half.
Earth - A random picker becomes heavy.
Evil - All pickers become cursed.
False - This room does nothing, but it takes the name of another random room.
Force - A random person who did pick this will change to a random room in the current pool.
Gravity - A random person who did not pick this will change to this room.
Holy - A random picker becomes a saint. All other pickers become cursed.
Illusion - This room takes the effect of another secret item before the start of the round.
Insanity - A random picker becomes insane.
Life - If nobody picks this, everybody dies.
Luck - If this room is the majority, then one random picker will survive. If this is not the majority, then one random picker will die.
Majority - If this room is the majority, the items with the second most votes will be the majority.
Multiply - Everyone who picks this counts as two.
Mundane - This room literally does nothing.
Murder - One random picker becomes a Serial Killer
Mystery - Everyone who picks this is given a random status. They are not informed which status they received.
Permanency - If picked by anyone, this room will also be in the pool for the next round. Once this room is the majority, it is removed from the pool for all future rounds.
Protection - All pickers are immune to death this round for any reason other than the majority. A random picker becomes a bodyguard.
Purity - Everyone who picks this loses all statuses.
Rejuvinate - Everyone who picks this becomes healthy.
Spite - A random picker will becomes cursed.
Secrecy - All pickers become cultists.
Unity - If all living players pick this, nobody will die due to the majority.
Ritual - All pickers get the soulbound status.
Graveyard - If nobody picks this room, three random dead players are revived.
Duplicate - Takes the effect of the room with the most pickers (at the time this room activates).
Bodyguard - Nobody who picks the same room as you can die for any reason other than the majority. If anyone who would die without your intervention is saved, you will die instead.
Cultist - If there are any cultists, then there will be an item that only its members may pick. It will be denoted in [brackets].
Cursed- You will die next round unless your status is removed or your death is prevented. This status is removed afterwards.
Healthy - You cannot die for any reason except for the majority. Once your death is prevented by this status, this status will be removed.
Insane - You must pick the majority or you will die.
Light - You do not count as a picker for the next round. This status is removed afterwards.
Heavy - Your pick counts as two picks for the next round. This status is removed afterwards.
Saint- You are immune to death. Once your death is prevented by this status, this status will be removed.
Serial Killer - A random person who picks the same room as you will die.
Soulbound - If you lose this status you will die.
Minority Rule 1
Hosted by: orangeandblack5
Status: Completed
Winner(s): Methnor, gingerbeardgentleman
Minority Rule 2
Hosted by: Sketch
Status: Completed
Winner(s): Hippolytus
Minority Rule 3
Hosted by: Methnor
Status: Completed
Winner(s): Ashe
Minority Rule 4: Christmas Edition
Hosted by: Hippolytus
Status: Completed
Winner(s): NozBugz, Strangle
Minority Rule 5: Valentine’s Edition
Hosted by: Marluxion
Status: Completed
Winner(s): 3DT_CheesyKnives, Ashe
Minority Rule 6: Easter Edition
Hosted by: Sam17z
Status: Completed
Winner(s): Celeste_Ludenberg and NozBugz
Minority Rule 7
Hosted by: Hippolytus
Status: Completed
Winner(s): Strangle
Minority Rule 8
Hosted by: Pug
Status: Completed
Winner(s): MaximusPrime and Sam17z
Minority Rule 9
Hosted by: Icibalus
Status: Completed
Winner(s): MaximusPrime, Meteoro, and DatBird
Minority Rule 10: Risk Edition
Hosted by: Braixen
Status: Completed
Winner(s): Marshal, Nuclear Burrito
Minority Rule Royale
Hosted by: Marluxion
Status: Completed
Winner(s): Intensify