[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

theres no reason not to cross out foul play

and no one could steal a single bolt

as geyde said it wasnt fired

Exactly why she can’t have been framed, dipshit.

That’s a mod you’re talking to here.

one watch ur mouth, two i was being sarcastic ofc u can steal a bolt

Not going to watch my mouth, moron.

Also, how can someone steal a bolt when the Dorms were specifically locked.

@DatBird dipshit

and looser

when she had it on her

hey forensic scientist pls halp

But she claimed to put it back in her dorm.

before that

You know PKR is Physician, right?

What are you on about- There is no before that.

yes but PKR isn’t here and I’m impatient

so grabs cross bow, puts in dorm, so howd the bolt get there wazza

@Alice can we use whispers during this phase?

Dude, that’s what I’m fucking asking you dipshit.

yes u can

What I’m saying is that the CROSSBOW WASN’T IN HER DORM.