[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

if you haven’t realized it
pkr saying the magic word had a big impact on my self control
i could just shiv anyone who enters a room

Oh, cool, this bullshit again.

That’s not how any of this works.

There’s literally no evidence it’s me either.


Mole, how did you find out about the secret tunnel CH1?

They were in the Warehouse when I popped out from under a pile of boxes, that’s not MM-indicative.

Like the motives at worst are meaningless. The Mastermind wants failed class trials.

So they want to give people the opportunity to murder and get away with it.

The first motive was to encourage multiple murders that wpuld stretch out investigations.

The second was to stop people camping the Canteen, so people could not be easily monitored

Having you guys spend all day looking for me either gets rid of me, or failing that, means that people lose track of each other.

I didn’t

That’s not how this works, if someone completes the condition for one of these motives, they get away without a Class Trial.

Well no, because the first murderer would get away without a Class Trial.

But the Mastermind wincon is either to get X failed trials or survive chapter 6 undetected.

People leaving without a trial do not count towards x

they also don’t advance the chapter
mastermind is trying to thin the herd as much as possible

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That makes it more likely they and any blackeneds are caught though - so that would be bad for them too

depends on just how well the plan goes
the first motive would have gotten rid of four people
consistently, that could have ended the game to lack of players

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Sure, but that would still lead to a trial at least

The less trial before the final trial, the less time there is to gather evidence on the Mastermind.

Not that that’s still needed, but that’s why these motives exist.

“the final trial”
just one guy arguing with himself on who the mastermind is

So you are saying that removing people from the game by any method helps the mastermind? How do you know that?

because my brain cells have finally engaged in mitosis and i now have a whopping two

I was asking Jane - since your arguements contradict eachother

… it’s literally in the post you reacted to.