[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

They’re separate winconditions

Yes, but it’s literally a lie since you can only have additional wincons, not have a wincon removed.

That doesn’t mean you’re immortal. You can still easily be killed with poison, or by being knocked out and slaughtered, or by traps… and so on.

I’m talking about the second motive.

…80 minutes left. At this point I don’t even care about Mole and Jane anymore. I just want others to vote already.

Who do you want to vote? I don’t even think Mole did it, but I have no idea who else.

Nobody thinks Mole did it, it’s just safer than taking a guess between me/you/(technically Wazza although this is unreasonable).

And people are meant to have 4 abilities and I had 1. Your point?

… Is this meant to be a point against me or…?

Exactly. It was a threat for one of you to murder, not to allow me to murder

That is literally impossible.

Yes, your supposed “wincon” would make it way harder for you to win the game than everyone else.

But it wouldn’t exist if you couldn’t ever become the Blackened.

Well, I am clearly pushing for Wazza, while Mole and Jane are pushing for each other.

Jane’s vote is -no matter how I see it- the most stupid action I have seen so far. Worst part is: Mist joined that wagon.

I mean… I’d be fine if my subjective arguments are lacking. I’d be fine if Jane got voted a lot… but holy **** the lack of votes is unbearable.

…You think Wazza set up a trap and killed himself with it?

I shouldn’t laugh, because it’s not like I have a better idea even after reading everything and thinking about it, but…

How? Nobody’s willing to vote Vulgard, and Mole is the obvious Mastermind.

This is already a stupid way of thinking, since Class Trials are meant to find out who the Blackened is. There is no “safe choice”.

It’s literally not so get fucked

…and I had the best starting stats here without the risk of going insane. Your point?

If That’s true, I’m not the mastermind, since they can’t become the blackened either

Well, yes but

Yeah. You ought to know this already; you read all of CT3, right?

It’s not as if we get to kill Mole in case we fail.
Alice never mentioned that the “wrong Blackened” will die in case we are wrong in a Class Trial.

I mean, we don’t have other suspects, so I guess… it’s just bizarre.

It’s in the OP:

My point is that doesn’t make it much easier, since anyone could still have easily killed you with the aforementioned methods and stats aren’t very useful if you can’t even kill.


What the fuck is this even supposed to mean?

No shit Sherlock, that slot has been so inactive that you are basically asking yourself to be voted up. It’s as if you are BEGGING to be chosen; as if you’re using reverse psychology so that Wazza wouldn’t be chosen; as if you know FOR A FACT that Wazza didn’t commit suicide.

Yes, but at least the counter won’t increase.

I keep repeating this, but: Choose between Jane or Wazza himself for fuck’s sake.

I don’t know it for a fact, but it’s unlikely.