(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

Well that’s different. Based on ur earlier statement it seemed like he couldnt be malfunctioning

dreamer is always useful

oh no he can totally malfunction

@Marshal has anyone claimed to you that has info that doesn’t seem wrong. Cause like maybe Apprentice is right and that all reverse guy might be in play

/whisper Marshal

accept my whisper and looks suspicious nerd

Also if there is a Pit Hag you should try transforming me and see what ST does I wanna know what happens.

The present vote count is as follows:

Three votes against Nuclear, not enough to execute.

One vote against Magnus, not enough to execute.

Five votes against EVO, not enough to execute.

Three votes against Arete, not enough to execute.

Seven votes are the minimum required to execute.

@Marshal, @DirectorHail, @Shurian, and @Universal have not yet placed any votes. Everyone else has voted on all outstanding nominations. Once all votes are placed, the day will end automatically. The day will end at 2020-03-05T16:30:00Z regardless of how many votes have been placed at that time, and any unsubmitted votes will be defaulted to votes to pardon.

/Whisper Tangeld
Imagine if this existed

I’m guessing Marshal?

you know she’s gonna reject you
especially after that time you tried to kill her

I kind of wanted Magnus dead, but I don’t have a good enough feel on the game to kill him

(I think it’s 6 votes since 2 of us are Traveler’s right?)

Tangeld: “Marshal has not yet placed any votes”

Magnus, not even a minute later: “I bet Marshal voted to execute me”

soft thunk of Tan’s head hitting her desk


Travelers that are alive are living players, and thus count toward the required number of votes to execute.

Actually, Tangeld said whispering the ST does exist.

she’ll still reject you

Y knot

Let’s whisper all the travelers while I’m at it

double the sus


/whisper datbird


Guys, just no lynch today,
There is no vortex in play.

I have no idea what’s going on xP