(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

i need to take a break from playing here for a while for my own health. I also have complex setups to finish.

@DatBird let’s finish insurgency within 1 week exactly from this post
@Geyde let’s finish scp fm 2 within 3-4 weeks
@Amelia let me know when you’d like to start working on acfm

I’m chill now

Just remember to embrace those mistakes and improve on them. Don’t let this drag you down. Instead let this propel you forward. You deserve it for all the hard work you’ve done

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damn is uni an outsider because this man is a true saint

(We are gonna talk about the “do exactly this or you’re openwolfing”, though. That’s not a fun or inclusive way to play. I’d also want to talk about the “being really damn toxic to anyone who contradicted your madness”, but you have already quite visibly realized the problem with that.)

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Bash my play so I can vibe harder next time

u are bad at game

u trusted me 2 much

I needed more memes from you, u had me dying with the Navy wall post

I am not a Saint. I just don’t want anyone to be feeling bad after a game like this one. Its filled with a lot of memories I will be looking back on whenever hard times fall. That’s what I want everyone to do if things get hard. To look back on the good times so we can get the little boost we need to get throughout the day. Filled with just the best of memories of friends and laughs all around

Oh, your play was fine, and your social reads were brilliant (even if you ultimately did talk yourself out of the gamesolve). Had you been in from game start, I think good would have had a strong win.

u bad too

u didn’t convince n.1 he was scum

All of the tables in my house are too heavy to be flipped or nailed down for a reason

i didn’t really convince dat i was scum either

i knew he was but was too afraid of outting in case i lost so like for like 60 posts we both fake solved


hot damn
all scum actually pulled all the stops

We should’ve convinced Tangeld was evil-

a good friend told me 10 months ago that quarterbacking sucks
i should have heeded his counsel

again, im sorry
it seems every time lately that i haven’t been toxic, i haven’t had the time to contribute necessarily, and vice versa

it’s why im voluntarily stepping away from playing here for at least 2-3 months while i focus on hosting only

@Arete is the Evil Storyteller and I’m the Good Storyteller, you have to believe me!

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im sad evil twin didn’t role

tbh the minion abils did basically nothing omegalul

Just please remember to not like this experience to hinder you. I am grateful for your contributions and your gameplay this round. I look forward to the events you wish to host. Thank you again

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you’re very kind uni
your posts here have helped my mental health, which im grateful for