(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

In that case why would hail out the fact they worked together in the main thread

Because making us think that the snake charmer initially tried to fake claim and got counterclaimed by the real other class is a powerful way to make us think the snake charmer is real, because the snake charmer would want to hide by fake claiming in a gamestate where I was mercilessly demanding all claims

I never got Hail’s seamstress fake claim directly. Only through Marshal.

pretty sure he claimed to magnus before he claimed to me

Either Hail is a townie that threw by not acting any of the first three nights, or he is bad and put on a whole big show with Marshal and/or Magnus.

I, however, am still hesitant to consider the chance of Magnus being minion, because 1) there’s not an incentive to kill a minion really early in a Vortox game and 2) Demon wants to kill Flowergirl as soon as possible, as the flowergirl is by far the most dangerous informational role against the demon in this setup, and Magnus outed as Flowergirl during day 1.

Magnus’s posts seem to be backing up Hail in thread

Mechanically, If Wazza is good, either the starting witch was killed at night by Vortox, or it must have been Marshal who got swapped into Vortox by Hail at EoN4 by Barber death.


or wazza is just scum


That is a possibility that I am obligated to deny.

also sorry I’m back. Can we get @DirectorHail here soon.

Magnus openclaiming immediately as flowergirl makes sense if they had a plan to go alongside it
But town doing it is actually just terrible

you of all people should know how terrible magnus is as town
it’s how he always ends up getting scumread no matter what he does

He claimed that he was trapped and was getting deathtunneled by Marshal and perhaps others within whispers IIRC

But they’re seemingly trying hard this game because they have friends in game


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They did have a plan.

It’s a shame I denied their plan.

i never tunneled him i don’t think

i was collecting claims and asked magnus for his
he asked to do a claim-for-claim type thing and was relucatant otherwise iirc and so i kinda tricked him into giving me his claim which caused some salt from him