(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)


Team Shurgard is on the case.
Unless Shurian is a wolf.

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Which do people think is a more likely combination here?
Do we have neither a witch nor a Fang Gu, or do we have both?

@Simon i hope you believe me now that I’m actually the savant.
I was never mad, and it’s not fun being called a liar.


show me where you said you were going to the story teller in day 2.
you know, the thing you have to do, before getting information as savant?

still no, except now i think your a liar rather than mad


I see now that things are supposed to work differently here. Regardless, from where I’ve played this game before, and it seems that @Arete went along with this as well, the usage of the savant’s ability does not need to be publicly announced.

In the future, I will publicly announce in advance. However, I didn’t do so for day 1 or today, and Arete gave me this info in private both times. It seems we were unaware of this mechanic.

I AM the savant and I DID get this info.
A host and I were just unaware of this mechanic until now, it seems.

No, they’re not, and no, you didnt

wrong, and wrong.

can we both stop the baseless accusations? (said this way because i know im doing it too)

ok fine. i was trying to bait a savant fake claim today. but I am still the savant.

I am visiting the storyteller for information!
@Arete @Tangeld

i’ll update when i receive the info

i thought you already got your information?

i did. I was just formatting that post to copy paste in future days.

I am the savant and I did already get my information, both days. The mod and I were both unaware of a mechanic of the class.

I still am trying to bait a fake savant claim though.

it would break the game if this was modconfirmed, so it won’t be, but I assure you it did happen.

Told ya guys.
This oughta confirm me now.

non necessarily if vigo is in play
we’ve already talked about you, read up.

None of it is important lol