(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2: Electric Fang Gu Signups (Closed)

I’ve hosted this game already, I know how this works :eyes:

The most mechconfirmed player is always the demon
as strange as it is, in the world of botc it makes sense

except your not usually trying to lynch an evil on day one.
those are far too risky.

generally you go for a weak town on d1

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and reads on those are much more consistent, as they’re rarely the target of bluffs for evil, and usually are open about their claim.
in fact if one of these roles claims later than d1 its usually considered suspicious

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granted, this works better in Trouble Brewing, and the only real candidate here is the clockmaker, but the idea remains the same.
If you can swing finding a mutant, that works out great.

:eyes: you mean, you don’t even try to lynch an evil, and just go for a policy lynch?

That’s… one of the most honest answers I ever got

In ToL that kind of lynches would be considered as both toxicity and gamethrowing, but I guess that’s different in FM

usually. (twins)

in my experience, that happened (because you can talk at night in these games most of the time, its really not a big deal unless you give out information you received that night) and all the night actions of that night happened, except the next day was skipped. savant couldnt visit story teller, nobody could nominate, wake up, this person died, go bed.

yeah. town really doesnt lose much by lynching someone like that. they can still talk and everything b/c botc. the voting limitation doesnt really work out to be all that bad in the end.

Death is a lot more easygoing in botc than your average mountainous or tol.

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That’s true
You can still haunt the other players for lynching you

or just help them win with mechanical deductions or reads.

as a sidenote this generally means SPKs are less common

Well, the nice thing is that it’s flipless, so they can’t harass you ingame for the fact that you’re not evil
Because there’s simply no way to know

Not policy

He’s arguing going for weak and easily fake-able roles is advantageous, not going for players you don’t like

Which is basically true but I would never have outright said it because “lynch the player most likely to be scum based on D1 reads”, to me at least, carries the obvious implication that whoever ends up there, even if not actually scum, is likely to be one or more of the following:

  • Inconsistent with the general town, which will lead to town-on-town friction evils can abuse later on
  • Making no effort to appear as town, meaning they’re never going to be killed at night and will be mislynched later anyways
  • Making no effort to solve slots via reads, which makes removing them at worst no real loss for the day phases and at best actively removing a roadblock to solving

You could probably add a few more things onto the list, but it’s always significantly more likely that removing a player that checks any of those boxes helps town than hurts them, and so in general it’s best to narrow the game down to a pool of players that fit into these categories and either lynch the most incongruous or the one with the highest agreed-upon scum equity.

In the former case, you’re removing a roadblock to town victory, and in the latter you’re starting to gain useful wagonomics from the get-go that you would otherwise miss out on, while also removing a player who was going to get lynched eventually.

Not sure how 1:1 that is here, but in general that’s more or less what Simon is getting at, and I guess I’m glad he pointed it out because at this point it’s an assumption that I would never even choose to point out because I don’t even think about it

that’s the literal definition of a policy lynch orange

Policy lynching is lynching a player for them being them

Not them being anything in particular in the game in question

also this game is absolutely not just about making mechanical info wrong in the favour of the Demons.

  • Vigormortis has to decrease his own team’s voting power in order to do… anything, really, and implicitly removes most of the threat of mechanical information in the process, and he undermines his own team by removing the confusing bullshit outsiders.
  • Vortox is actually super weak, because it’s easy to uncover, its’ abilities can be easily reversed once they have been, and most weirdly of all they make Sage and sometimes Savant stronger once they’ve been uncovered.
  • No Dashii destroys information in a more subtle way that adds more confusion, but if the identiites of who they are poisoning are uncovered they just lose right off the bat.
  • and Fang Gu is also here too
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My intuition says there’s a difference between ‘lynch the Miller claim because we don’t have any other leads, no one is obviously scummy, and they aren’t townie’ and ‘lynch Jake because no one can read Jake’

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those 4 and Sweetheart are the only ways the villagers can get actively misleading information from non-social sources, and the social elements of the game are just… the point.