(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2: Electric Fang Gu Signups (Closed)

Goblin here

Execute me so I can fulfill my win condition

Entire evil team claims goblin.

And half the good players because they want to see who votes on them anyway knowing that they’re not the real Goblin.

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“Evening, ladies and gentlemen. I will be your Goblin for tonight. Should you graciously choose to execute me, somebody?!?!??! will win.”

Why do the BotF signup threads always turn into memes about unreleased characters?

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because goblin sounds hillarious and he’s definitely going on my script comprised entirely of the meme characters

hermit is also comedy gold

Drunk saint mutant?

“oh shit, i randed hermit. now i checks notes cannot claim outsider, somebody gets drunk when I die, and the demon gets to do swapsies, and also i can lose the game singlehandedly”


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Barber sweetheart klutz would be more fair but still fun for the ST watching their creation of hell

I still think Lunatic/Mutant/Saint is the most evil Hermit setup.
“You think you are the Demon. If you claim Outsider, you lose.”

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fuck that sounds so good lol
combine that with Poppy Grower, Magician and Mole and you have possibly the worst setup for evil ever made
but good should be starved of almost anything else that’s actually good

not PG, Magician and Mole all at once, obviously, but on the same script

“Guys I think I might be luna”
“Evil wins.”


Id actually argue that savant becomes weaker, as instead of receiving one piece of true information and 1 of false, you receive two pieces of information, either both true or both false.
at least, thats my interpretation of how the savant reacts with vortox. in that, whatever roles are affected by the vortox, reword them so they are in the form of you receive [x], which is ___
(important that the is is like that so that that is what the information always receives. any uncertainty is within the blank)
and then the vortox version is the same thing as that, but with is not
Savant receives two bits of information that are such that one is true and one is false
and the vortox:
Savant receives two bits of information that are not such that one is true and one is false.
therefore if it is not that, then the two bits should either be both true or both false.

Other Examples (the option on the right is the vortox version)

The clock maker receives a number at the first night which is/is not the number of steps between the demon and their nearest minion.
The Dreamer targets a player and receives 2 character names, 1 good and 1 evil, which are/are not such that one of these is the target player’s current character
The Mathematician receives a number each night that is/is not the number of players whose abilities have worked abnormally since the previous dawn as a result of another player’s ability
The Flowergirl receives a yes or no that is/is not the answer to whether the demon voted to execute during the previous day

Got to jump in on you here; Vortox forces the info to be false, meaning that Savant will always get two false statements if Vortox is in play.

yeah the wording is irritatingly inexact, but Vortox falses everything to only EVER be false, otherwise it would obliterate literally all info

Nah, I’m not saying it makes things malfunction, I think it should make information function falsely.
That is, the qualifiers for the information are all turned false, and consistently false, but that the information itself is not necessarily false.
Like, say there was a role that when functioning correctly, only ever receives false information, and it knew this. For my version of vortox, it would instead only receive true information. For this version, it would be unchanged.