(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2: Electric Fang Gu Signups (Closed)

Shush, I still won that game for good

Except good won that game because the Pukkaā€™s bluff was terrible

Their choices were minstrel, goon, or out theirself because they strayed from bluffs

They literally had Sailor as a bluff, which would have worked until everyone started wondering why the Sailorā€™s targets all died the next night

My bluffs didnā€™t include sailor. What do you think would happen if they completely strayed from the bluffs

Your bluffs literally didnā€™t matter, you were the Lunatic and I could tell you whatever

As a matter of fact, here are the bluffs I gave Demon that game.
The following characters are not in play: Minstrel, Sailor, Moonchild.
And you got this.
The following characters are not in play: Grandmother, Minstrel, Goon.

BotC is a gamemode where info can hardly ever be trusted

part of winning the game for good is also trying to figure out what information is a farce, and what caused the falseness

Tangeld. Afaik poison/malfunction consistently gives information which the story teller deems good for the other team, regardless of the veracity of said information.
Does vortox mean abilities yield consistently false information, but said information can be leaned in either teams favor (example: town knows thereā€™s a vortox. Twins are claiming clockmaker. A dreamer just targeted the minion last night, and received a demon and the clockmaker, and deduce that that person is the evil twin.)
On another note, does vortox only mess with information? Like, say itā€™s vortox and the twins are there. The philosopher targets someone. Later, the vortox is executed, allowing abilities to receive true information. Is the philosopher the role they initially targeted?

A thought for the madness that is cerenovus->mutant (and a thought. If the cerenovus targets the mutant with mutant are they just screwed?)

Another part of the game is learning to use mech info in such a way that itā€™s veracity is irrelevant (but while still actually using the information In a way)

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Storyteller chooses whether or not the person dies for both of those abilities (storyteller always gets to choose for things that use the words ā€œmayā€ or ā€œmightā€)

But yes, if the mutant gets targeted by the cerenovous, the storyteller could guarantee that the mutant died the next day no matter what they did, if they wanted to.

but they wouldnā€™t have to kill the mutant, b/c again they would get to choose there and could make a choice for whatever reason they wanted

not quite sure what youā€™re asking here, but I do know that Vortox guarantees that all information is false for the entirety of their life. Itā€™s different from drunkedness and poisonedness, because with those two, they usually cause information to be false but it doesnā€™t have to be. All info must be false if a vortox is alive.

ah, so the mutant becomes a tinker?


I just like the idea of a person making a real good claim as mutant only to tell everyone ā€œso i have a bomb strapped to my backā€ the next day

This technically doesnā€™t have to be true, although it almost always is

The information will always be false but may still be helpful to the Good team

It only messes with Good abilities that give specifically information

the Philosopher would be the role they chose (but e.g. if they chose Artist then while the Vortox was alive the ST would give them a false answer)

as another example, an Evil Twin will still learn correct information about the Good Twinā€™s character (and the Good Twin will learn correct information about who the evil twin is)

The Storyteller would have discretion over whether or not to execute them but no matter what the Mutant did the Storyteller could choose to execute them


Its probably better then to ignore all mechanics than to allow the mechs to confuse you with false results

canā€™t no lynch though in case of vortox