[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

In fact, a big reason why I slanked that game was because I didn’t want to make myself a nightkill target by talking. It worked until the last night of the game.

Although I don’t see napoleon being evil personally, so mist should be fine

Unless Napoleon was evil.

I think you replied to the wrong post

I did indeed


Make no mistake, I love you and I think you’re one of the most entertaining people on these forums, but as a role in this game you’re not terribly useful.
Also, you haven’t really been playing, but I understand that.

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have you event voted to exile them yet?

im pinning this to my fridge

this is all true tho

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Do because it’s the truth regardless of my alignment.

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/Vote Yes Simon

/Vote no others

I trust Kyo here ngl

Kyo ain’t even voted.

And I’m trusting in Simon here but I’m fine with his lynch.

Kyo said that based on the info he god Simon is pretty much always scu

Kill them all


you know what imma pretend wazza is locktown

@Wazza why shouldnt we kill them all

Because we can only execute one person per day


is a valid argument

Imagine a 16er with 4 lynches per day.

i still havent read 90% of the OP