[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

Yes, as I’ve said, our only KP is a dictated lynch and a potentially compromised limited lynch.

That’s one solution. I’d prefer not to use it immediately d1 and rather figure out Wazza’s alignment.
You’re all over residents without any method to actually kill them.

Maybe, but your words are still of nonsense. Why do or did you think DatBird is evil

I’ll give that information provided he’s nominated by storyteller. Giving that information has no gain at the moment apart from informing scum.
Me and Icibalus are working to figure out a kill target (and I’d prefer if you helped too @Amelia and shared your reads via whisper with me) for the moment but currently I’d like someone to come to a conclusion whether or not we fully restore lynch power (exile of both lynch travelers), partially restore (exile of Bishop or Voudon), or not exile any at all.

Our main problem is the fact that residents cannot be killed except for Icibalus and we don’t know if our lynch power at the moment is reliable.

Oh, don’t particularly want us killing off scum and then the dead happen to vote to execute towncore as well.
That’s another potential problem.

I mean KyoDaz, I figured out your claim already 50 posts ago, I just don’t want to out it either.

Since when did I bring up my claim at all

Your claim is really obvious if you look at the list of possible investigative claims honestly.

… What purpose does you saying this give at all?
I don’t care what you think I am.

I’m just telling you that you aren’t as subtle about your claim as you think you are.

I… don’t really care


Get your ass over here

I knew I should not have signed up for this many games

I haven’t read anything except the OP, AMA

Oh no we have another DatBird someone please send help

Multitabling is hard man

why are you scum


Is it faulty to assume that Redrover is probably town because a lot of their interactions are pinging not S/S to me?

because I went outside without a mask today

Well, if you think so, and literally no one here I’ve interacted with is scum, I guess I could be theoretically scum.