[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

oh boy 3 people responding simultaneously


There’s people that love mechanical fluff regardless of alignment, especially at the beginning of the game.
Maybe I just don’t know Ici well enough to sense something wrong


Well not really - the mechanics in this game would allow for more possibilites of TMI slips (I think), so shutting down mechanical discussions is not very productive
At least that’s my take on it

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Because I felt pressured plus I thought there were valuable associations already gotten by that point

guess i didn’t read that yet

Ici is a reads focused player

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why did you come out if you are kape

at least hippolytus has no chance for extra info

Shutting down discussion, mechanical or no mechanical, seems kind of anti-town.

Anyways I feel like the mech argument is random cause I don’t remember making much of a mechanical argument here.

social deduction is better and much more productive than keeping pure mechanical disccusions and just investigating mechanical possibilities this early-on
also ive never seen blantant tmi on this site

Your questions were loaded and when I offered questions as answers to your questions you completely dismissed them

because i felt like announcing there was an arete and i thought there was little drawback to me open-claiming.

there is a drawback to geyde open claiming

Ugh now I have to ISO you too… Brb.

what assocations?


Well no, because we can confirm a few things very early on without confusion through a little bit of mechanical discussion


From the most basic, mechanical standpoint, you revealing is much worse.

There is almost no drawback to geyde open claiming other than “he dies”. Frankly this might actually be good since we have a voudon.

However, you open claiming has the drawback of you dying + us losing a stream of info from the mods as a result.

Have you seen my aggressive plays impact
I hadn’t thought exactly how it would impact reads but the Mist/me interaction, the me/you/red/dat interaction, and Alice’s thoughts on my slot imo were worthy of a claim to spike thread direction with more information alongside the other reason I mentioned

Geyde this is an example (yes it’s cherrypicked) of some of what you are saying, since I’ve done enough today and I think I’ll wait till tomorrow.

Can you answer your own question?

have some issues to deal with, brb

a bit yeah but i felt [quote=“clonedcheese, post:1514, topic:81065, full:true”]
From the most basic, mechanical standpoint, you revealing is much worse.

There is almost no drawback to geyde open claiming other than “ he dies ”. Frankly this might actually be good since we have a voudon.

However, you open claiming has the drawback of you dying + us losing a stream of info from the mods as a result.

no because you form associations if scum think you are demon

my investigative ability is pretty weak as you can tell

in fact its even weaker than i initally thought it was

I already did fyi
There was no reason not to do so since it would be easier to do it publicly

Yes so it would have been preferable to post everything publicly and gave the town more information and helped solved slots, right?

Let’s be honest. I don’t peg you as lockscum yet, but my questions aren’t loaded, I simply wanted answers. If I have questions now for napoleon they might be loaded, but definitely not for you.