[Misc] Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing Signups (14/14)

No, you’re right about that, but the Recluse can register as a Minion or the Demon, and if they register as the Demon when shot they die

I see I see

Any more interested in signing up? As it is, we’re looking at 7/0/2/1.

I entered as a backup IIRC just FYI

I didn’t have you in as a backup, but I can add you. Counting the backups (and you, Maxwell), we have thirteen, so 9/0/3/1.

I’m not available to play from the start, only to be a backup.
If I wanted to in, I would have inned.

/in for slot 7 if no one else takes it by game start

An angel is the space (usually measured in degrees) between two intersecting lines or surfaces at or close to the point where they meet.

No, that’s angle.

He spelled angel correctly.

That’s the joke

Oof, guess I r/woooosh’d myself then.

Morning Sergeant Angle

we live in a society

@Tangeld I’ll in now but only if you promise to not run the game with 13 players. I want at least one member of every possible faction, so running with 11, 12, 14, or 15 is fine, but not 10 or 13.

Outsiders are Good-aligned

Yes I know but I like those classes after looking at them so I don’t want them to be guaranteed to be left out.

Baron :upside_down_face:

Baron is not guaranteed. So Eh.

I should have said I want outsiders guaranteed to be in, instead of wanting them to not be guaranteed to be left out.

I need a seat for you, mate. And your concern is noted.