MISC: Fortified Tower 2. GAME OVER. Haunted and Medic win

Uh… okay?

It was a fun mechanic and well implemented
Anyway y’all, get your actions in :stuck_out_tongue:

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I already did long ago.
I am waiting as well.

I claim Bomber

Can we actually role claim in here or not?

Dunno, but I am not taking PKR’s claim lightly.

You can say what you want

I cc

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Wow, for once you actually believe me?
What AU is this?

Any claims with a wincon of “Kill Everyone” is not exactly something to laugh at.
At least, not for me.

Eevee… literally already claimed Bomber too…
It is a unique role lol

I’m the bomber

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Oh fuck. I got counterclaimed.

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I’m waiting for 3 players

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i cc your cc of the bomber cc

alright I’m calling bs

no way there’s five bombers

Just a dastardly duo delaying 'dis

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I literally said earlier… it is unique
There is 1 Bomber or 0.

we’re gonna level the fucking tower apprentice