MISC: Fortified Tower 2. GAME OVER. Haunted and Medic win

Credit to Jammysplodge for the original idea


The world has fallen into ruin. Disease, greed and a lack of good memes mean most struggle to survive - except those super rich few. At the heart of this cesspool of despair is a tower. This tower has 12 floors, the floors each have 3 rooms
You are all there for reasons, most of you are there to kill the Tycoon - one of these Elite scumbags.
The Tycoon sits in the middle room of the top floor. There is also a private jail… For his less pleasant visitors to spend some quality time in.



You are a Guard
Self preservation

You must protect the Tycoon
Your allies are [x], [y] and [z]
You can talk to them in a PM over your Walkie Talkies

You start with:
Master Key(Can Lock/Unlock any door, Tycoon doors start locked)
Walkie Talkie

Your min sanity you can function at is 5. If you commit murder you will lose 2 sanity. If you kill another in revenge you will lose 1 sanity. Killing in self-defence does not cost you sanity.
You will automatically know of all traps in any room you enter. You will not trigger traps by entering the room.
You will get a 20% bonus on avoiding setting off traps.

You are the Firestarter

You must Kill the Tycoon

You start with:
Petrol Can

The petrol can can soak a room in petrol
If you light the petrol, everyone in the petrol soaked room will die, except you
The fire will destroy the “Tarred Floor” obstacle

Your min sanity you can function at is 3. If you commit murder you will lose 1 sanity. If you kill another in revenge or in self-defence it will not cost you sanity.

You are the Hitman

You must Kill your Target
Your target is [x]

You start with:
Bullet x 2

Your min sanity you can function at is 3. If you commit murder you will lose 1 sanity. If you kill another in revenge or in self-defence it will not cost you sanity. Killing your target will not cost you sanity

You are the Psycho

You must Kill Everyone

You start with:
Garotte Wire

Your min sanity you can function at is 1. No matter how you kill, you will not lose sanity

You are the Corrupt Cop

You must kill the Tycoon

The Cops are [x], [y] and [z]
You can talk to them in a Pm over your Walkie Talkies

You start with:
Bullet x 2
Walkie Talkie

Your min sanity you can function at is 3. If you commit murder you will lose 1 sanity. If you kill another in revenge or in self-defence it will not cost you sanity.
Your physical fitness means you get a 10% bonus overcoming obstacles

You are a Cop

You must Kill the Criminals
Your allies are [x], [y] and [z]
You can talk to them in a Pm over your Walkie Talkies
If you kill an innocent you will resign out of shame.
If this role is rolled, another cop will spawn. There is a 50% chance it will spawn as a Corrupt Cop.

You start with:
Bullet x 2
Walkie Talkie

Your min sanity you can function at is 5. If you commit murder you will lose 2 sanity. If you kill another in revenge or in self-defence it will cost you 1 sanity.
Your physical fitness means you get a 10% bonus overcoming obstacles
You have a 10% bonus detecting traps

You are the Kidnapper

You must Kidnap the Tycoon, making sure he does not die

You start with:
Burlap Sack x 2

Your min sanity you can function at is 4. If you commit murder you will lose 2 sanity. If you kill another in revenge you will lose 1 sanity. If you kill another in self-defence you will not lose sanity

Your physical fitness means you get a 20% bonus overcoming obstacles
You have a 10% detecting and avoiding traps.

You are the Temponaut

You must Kill the Tycoon

You start with:
Stop Watch x 3(You have an extra action next turn)
Age-O-Matic(Kills a person by ageing them to death)
Time Paradox(Brings you back to life at your start location)

Your min sanity you can function at is 6. If you commit murder you will lose 2 sanity. If you kill another in revenge or in self-defence it will cost you 1 sanity.
You have a 10% avoiding setting off traps

You are the Seer
Not a drop

You must Correctly Predict who will win

You start with:
Crystal Ball(Lets you see the rolecard of the the selected person)
Prediction Scroll(Can be used on anyone, once used, you win if your target wins, 1 use only)

Your min sanity you can function at is 5. If you commit murder you will lose 2 sanity. If you kill another in revenge or in self-defence it will cost you 1 sanity

You are the Alien Fugitive

You must Assume Someone’s Identity and Fulfill their Win Condition

You start with:
Ray Gun(Kills, leaving no body, 1 use only, must be used for your first kill)
Skin Changer(Makes you the first role you kill)

You are the Bomber

You must Kill Everyone

You start with:
Bomb x 3(Can be placed for one action and detonated for another, one bomb can only be placed at a time, explosions kill everyone in the room it is placed. 25% of killing people in adjacent rooms, 50% of rendering them unconscious.)

Your min sanity you can function at is 3. Killing will not cost you sanity
You have a 30% bonus detecting traps

You are the Head of Surveillance
Self Preservation

You must Protect the Tycoon

You start with:
Surveillance Tablet(You may choose to watch a room, if you do so you see everything that happens in that room that turn, camera can be disabled in multiple ways)
Sentry remote: Can order the Sentry bot to patrol a particular floor next time they choose a new floor to patrol. The bot cannot pick the same floor consecutively

Your min sanity you can function at is 5. If you commit murder you will lose 2 sanity. If you kill another in revenge or in self-defence it will cost you 1 sanity.
You will know of all traps in each room you enter
Where possible, you will never trigger a trap in a room

You are the Plague Doctor

You must Kill Everyone

You start with:
Plague Vial x 2

The Plague:
Plague Vials infect everyone in the room besides you, infected will die after 3 turns and will pass the infection to anyone they encounter. They will informed they are infected after beimg infected for 2 turns.

Your min sanity you can function at is 3. If you commit murder you will lose 2 sanity. If you kill another in revenge or in self-defence it will cost you 1 sanity. You will not lose sanity for killing people via your infection however

You are the Vampire

You must Kill the Tycoon
You are immune to bleeding

You start with:
Blood vial x 1

You can get blood from dead bodies, living players(This kills them), blood trails and your blood vial
You can survive 3 turns without drinking blood
At the beginning of the 4th turn, you have a -25% chance against any action that isn’t moving or drinking blood
At the beginning of the 5th turn, this increases to -50%
At the beginning of the 6th turn, this increases to -75%
At the beginning of the 7th turn, you die

Your min sanity you can function at is 3. You will not lose sanity for killing others

You are The Haunted

You must Kill the Tycoon
You may leave your body, if you do this, your spirit can wander around
Your spirit can move through things you usually couldn’t
Your spirit cannot be harmed
Your spirit cannot search or use items
When you are out of your body, it appears to be dead
If your body is killed while your spirit isn’t in it, you become the vengeful spirit

You start with:

Your min sanity you can function at is 4. If you commit murder you will lose 2 sanity. If you kill another in revenge or in self-defence it will cost you 1 sanity.
You will always see traps in your spirit form

You are the Vengeful Spirit

You must Kill the Tycoon AND the one that killed your body
You will know your body’s killer when you see them, not before
You are now corporeal and can be harmed

You start with:

Your min sanity you can function at is 4. If you commit murder you will lose 2 sanity. If you kill another in revenge or in self-defence it will cost you 1 sanity. Killing your killer will count as killing in revenge
You will always see traps

You are T̶ͫ̓ḫ̷̨ͥ̽ē̵̏ͦ ̠͇̗̎Da̹̠r͎͖ͥ̎̔k̹ ̣̥͓͉͊On͙̅͛͝e̳

You must Kill Everyone
If a player is in a room with you, you may mark them for death
Once per game, you may kill everyone you have marked
If 50% or more of the living players are marked, they will be informed that they carry the mark.

You start with:

Your min sanity you can function at is 1. You will not lose sanity from killing
You have a 20% detecting and avoiding traps

You are the Thief

You must Steal an Item from the Tycoon’s Office
You may steal a random item from a player in the same room as you.

You start with:

Inspired by XerxesLeFan

Your min sanity you can function at is 4. If you commit murder you will lose 2 sanity. If you kill another in revenge or in self-defence it will cost you 1 sanity.
You have a 50% bonus avoiding traps
You have a 30% bonus detecting traps
you have a 50% bonus overcoming obstacles

You are the Hacker

You must Kill the Tycoon
Signal Jammer: While you are alive, anything that requires a signal(Walkie Talkies, Detonations, Security Cameras etc) will not work. You can also destroy the Sentry bot with a melee attack roll.

You start with:
Bullet x 1

Your min sanity you can function at is 6. If you commit murder you will lose 2 sanity. If you kill another in revenge or in self-defence it will cost you 1 sanity.
You have a 10% bonus avoiding traps
You have a 10% bonus detecting traps

You are the Soldier

You must Protect the Tycoon
Your allies are [x] the [role], [y] the [role] and [z] the [role]
You can talk to them in a PM over your Walkie Talkies

You start with:
Shotgun (Ranged Attack - Target has 3 attacks on them when used)
Shotgun Shell x 2(These are irreplaceable)
Walkie Talkie

Your min sanity you can function at is 5. You will suffer no sanity penalties through killing others
You have a 10% bonus avoiding traps
you have a 50% bonus overcoming obstacles

You are the Medic
Not a drop

You must Help 4 People
Hippocratic Oath: You cannot kill someone except through self defence
Helping someone includes resuscitating them if they have died less than 5 turns prior, treating their wounds, or curing them of the Plague

You start with:
Medical Supplies

Your min sanity you can function at is 6. If you kill another in revenge or in self-defence it will cost you 1 sanity

You are the Specialist

You must Protect the Tycoon
Your allies are [x] the [role], [y] the [role] and [z] the [role]
You can talk to them in a PM over your Walkie Talkies
Jack Of all Trades: When searching a dead body, you can take and use their role-specific items

You start with:
Walkie Talkie

Your min sanity you can function at is 6. If you commit murder you will lose 2 sanity. If you kill another in revenge or in self-defence it will cost you 1 sanity.
You have a 10% bonus avoiding traps
You have a 10% bonus detecting traps
you have a 10% bonus overcoming obstacles

You are the Businessman

You must make a deal with the Tycoon and see him (the Tycoon) live to the end of the game. You must get to the Tycoon alive to make the deal, and you will win if the Tycoon survives until the end of the game.
Expendable: You can still win the game while dead, as long as you have made the deal and the Tycoon is still alive. Your company doesn’t really care about your life.
Expected: Those guarding the Tycoon will know your role.

Starts with:
Business Deal(deliver this to the Tycoon)

Credit to Painkillerz
Your min sanity you can function at is 4. If you commit murder you will lose 2 sanity. If you kill another in revenge or in self-defence it will cost you 1 sanity

So what will sanity mean?

Well. Certain traps will make you lose some. Being wounded might make you lose some
Each player starts the game with 10 sanity.

If you drop below your roles minimum sanity level there is a 20% of you failing your action per number below you are (IE: If your min level is 5 and you have 3 sanity you have a 40% chance of failing your action). Your score can never be less than 0. If you fail a turn due to insanity, you will have a 50% chance of doing something harmful to your role’s goal. If you have nothing else near you, you may kill yourself if you roll too much ‘bad’ insanity.


Each role card has a individual aggression description. They mean the following

Psychotic - You may attack other players without reason or warning

Ruthless - You may attack other players without warning, providing you have good reason to suspect they oppose your victory condition or mean you harm

Justified - You may attack any player you have reason to suspect of being Criminally aligned

Self-Preservation - You may attack another player only if you think they mean you harm.

Not a Drop - You must avoid violence unless you have no choice. Retreat from a fight if you can



Tarred floor

The room is covered in sticky tar. Any action other than turning back will take twice as long to achieve unless the player successfully passes an ‘Overcome an obstacle’ roll. Dousing/igniting the room as a Firestarter and all ranged attacks are excluded from this effect. Overcome roll needed = 75%

Riddle Door

The Door allowing you to go ‘Up’ is protected by a Riddle you must answer to proceed through it. This door will be indestructible and cannot be opened with a key. You can give only one answer each turn


The way up is blocked by a wall which you’ll have to climb to proceed. Walls will prevent traps triggering until you pass it. You will be unable to search a room unless you climbed the wall. Walls can be destroyed by a bomb in the same room. Overcome roll needed = 60%

Explanation of terms:

Location in Room: This refers to where the trap is likely to be positioned in any room. This is usually just for reference as to who it will affect.
Effect: Describes what the trap will do
Active for: Describes how long the trap is active for
Cooldown: Describes whether the trap can trigger multiple times or not and how often it can trigger
Area of effect: Describes how widespread the affect of the trap is
Sensitivity: Displays the risks of triggering the trap.
Visibility: Displays how easily the trap is seen. A score of 100% means the trap is immediately spotted by anyone.
Trap value: Indicates how much of a ‘Trap’ roll is required for the trap to be in any one room. Some rooms can contain multiple traps.


Sentry bot

Location in Room: This robot patrols a floor, from left to right than back again. It moves one room a turn and attacks people it encounters that are consicious
Effect: Stuns players for 1 - 3 turns. Reduces sanity to players it gets. Will automatically grab players that wake up whilst it is in the room. (If no one else is there)
Active for: The whole game
Cooldown: Immediate
Area of effect: The player it grabs
Sensitivity: This Robot detects everyone in the room and will attack non-guards
Visibility: Obvious (100%)
Trap value: Confirmed in tower, but will never patrol a floor the players are on turn 1. The robot can be destroyed by a Bomber’s bomb and the Hacker.

Toxic Gas

Location in Room: Exit up a level (Entry to Tycoon room counts as going up a level for this trap)
Effect: Poisons players. 50% chance of instant killing. 25% of resulting in unconsciousness.
Active for: 3 turns
Cooldown: 3 turns
Area of effect: Turn 1 (Players attempting to exit the room up a level) - Turn 2 (Players moving about room) - Turn 3 (Players entering the room)
Sensitivity: Exit the room - Very High (90%)
Searching the room - Above average (60%)
Attacking others in room or perform other hostile action - Average (50%)
Checking for traps - Below average (40%)
Entering the room - Very Rare (10%)
Visibility: Way below average (30%)
Trap value: 70

Insanity Gas

Location in Room: Exit up a level (Entry to Tycoon room counts as going up a level for this trap)
Effect: Temporarily reduces player sanity to 0. Effect passes after 2 turns of being driven mad. Sanity returns to it’s previous value afterwards
Active for: 3 turns
Cooldown: 3 turns
Area of effect: Turn 1 (Players attempting to exit the room up a level) - Turn 2 (Players moving about room) - Turn 3 (Players entering the room)
Sensitivity: Exit the room - Very High (90%)
Searching the room - Above average (60%)
Attacking others in room or perform other hostile action - Average (50%)
Checking for traps - Below average (40%)
Entering the room - Very Rare (10%)
Visibility: Way below average (30%)
Trap value: 60

Flickering lights

Location in Room: The whole room is affected
Effect: Odd light patterns can suddenly present terrifying images. Being hit by this trap drains sanity by 1 point and auto-fails the player’s action for the turn
Active for: 1 turn
Cooldown: Immediate
Area of effect: The player who triggers the trap is the only one affected. This trap can be triggered multiple times a turn
Sensitivity: Exit the room - Average (50%)
Searching the room - Average (50%)
Attacking others in room or perform other hostile action - Average (50%)
Checking for traps - Average (50%)
Entering the room - Very Rare (10%)
Visibility: Above Average (60%)
Trap value: 30

Gun Turret

Location in Room: Exit up a level (Entry to Tycoon room counts as going up a level for this trap)
Effect: A turret can lock on one player and fire a double ranged attack. The door from this room is always locked
Active for: 2 turns
Cooldown: Immediate
Area of effect: Turn 1 (takes aim) - Turn 2 (fires)
Sensitivity: Entering the room - A sure thing.(100%) {This trap will potentially track you the whole time)
Visibility: In plain sight (100%)
Trap value: 90
NOTES: This trap can be destroyed by a detonated bomb and a Room incineration with a 1 turn delay on the latter


Location in Room: Anywhere
Effect: Explodes: 75% of killing the person who triggers it, 25% of killing others in the room. Will always wound the person who triggers it on the legs. 50% chance of wounding others on the legs
Active for: 1 turn
Cooldown: N/A
Area of effect: The whole room, especially the person who triggers it
Sensitivity: Exit the room - High (80%)
Searching the room - Above average (60%)
Attacking others in room or perform other hostile action - Quite High (70%)
Checking for traps - Rare (20%)
Entering the room - Never (0%)
Visibility: Way below average (30%)
Trap value: 60

Security Door

Location in Room: Your entry point
Effect: Blocks off your way back (Can not be opened or destroyed by axes)
Active for: Your time in the room
Cooldown: Immediate
Area of effect: N/A
Sensitivity: Entering the room - A sure thing (100%)
Visibility: Pretty Obvious (80%)
Trap value: 10

Sleep dart

Location in Room: Anywhere
Effect: Lulls players to sleep (Incapacitates for 1 - 2 additional turns. Hits reduce sanity)
Active for: 1 Turn
Cooldown: Immediate
Area of effect: The player who triggers it. This trap can be triggered only once each turn.
Sensitivity: Exit the room - Fairly high (60%)
Searching the room - High (70%)
Attacking others in room or perform other hostile action - Very High (80%)
Checking for traps - Average (40%)
Entering the room - Rare (10%)
Visibility: Below Average (40%)
Trap value: 45


Location in Room: Anywhere
Effect: Immediate makes everyone fail their action. Subsequent turns being exposed erodes sanity by 1 point per turn
Active for: 3 turns
Cooldown: 3 turns
Area of effect: Turn 1 (All players fail their action) Turn 2 - 3 (Each player in the room since the last turn loses 1 sanity)
Sensitivity: Exit the room - Very High (90%)
Searching the room - High (80%)
Attacking others in room or perform other hostile action - Quite High (70%)
Checking for traps - Rare (20%)
Entering the room - Very Rare (10%)
Visibility: Way below average (30%)
Trap value: 20

Items findable by searching:


Duct Tape (Can fix broken doors and stop bleeding)
Fire Axe(Can kill or destroy a door, 1 use item)
Key(can lock/unlock 1 door leading to the room it is found in)

Actions are sent to me via PM, once all actions are sent in, they are resolved, if an action happens in a room that isn’t yours, you won’t be told.
If detained in the Prison, you will be trapped unless another player kills the tycoon. You will be considered dead for any role that cares about that until then.
All roles are unique, except Cop and Guard


Move to [room]:
You can move to an adjacent room, i.e. above, below, left or right, the exception is the tycoon’s room, which must be accessed from Left or Right 12

You can around the room you are in. You can search multiple times until you find something.

[action] [name of what you’re interacting with]:
You can interact with people and things

You can loot a dead body in the room to take all of their non-role specific items

You can look at a body to identify their role. This will reduce sanity loss from killing them if you had to kill this player to win

You can ready a counterattack, if you are attacked that turn, you have a chance to counterattack your attacker. If a ranged attack you will always take a hit first, but if melee you have a chance to land a blow first.

Check for traps:
Depending on your character, you may be more likely to find them than others. Always remember that even if you don’t find any, there could be one AND you still risk setting them off by looking for them. An Intruder player will never start in a room with a trap. The sensitivity of a trap is halved if you discover it during a check unless it’s sensitivity is 100% to begin with

Usable only if your sanity has dropped below your acceptable level. 50% chance of restoring a sanity point.

The Tycoon is an NPC, not a role
The roles are most likely not balanced, they will be revealed after the game has ended
Talking is not an action and can be done freely
The only way to safely leave the tower is through Mid 1, you cannot leave until I say you can
Once the game begins, you may hint at events in game that you are experiencing, but must not leak specifics like if someone attacks you etc.

Map update for trap value/obstacle chance

Left 12 (50 - 155/0%) | Tycoon (20/0%) | Right 12 (50 - 155/0%)
Left 11 (0 - 80/50%/) | Mid 11 (0 - 50/50%/) | Right 11 (0 - 80/50%/)
Left 10 (0 - 75/50%) | Mid 10 (0 - 70/50%)| Right 10 (0 - 75/50%)
Left 9 (20 - 60/40%)| Mid 9 (20 - 60/40%)| Right 9 (20 - 60/40%)
Left 8 (20 - 55/30%)| Mid 8 (20 - 50/30%) | Right 8 (20 - 55/30%)
Left 7 (0 /50%)| Mid 7 (0 - 70/10%)| Right 7 (0/50%)
Left 6 (0 - 50/20%)| Mid 6 (0 - 50/20%)| Right 6 (0 - 50/20%)
Left 5 (0 - 30/10%)| Mid 5 (0 - 30/10%)| Right 5 (0 - 30/10%)
Left 4 (0/10%)| Mid 4 (0/10%)| Right 4 (0/10%)
Left 3 (0/10%)| Mid 3 (0/10%)| Right 3 (0/10%)
Left 2 (0/10%)| Mid 2 (0/10%)| Right 2 (0/10%)
Left 1 (0/10%) | Mid 1 (0/20%)| Right 1 (0/10%)

Signups (Max 16 players):

  1. Blizer
  2. Italy
  3. Apprentice
  4. Hippoyeet
  5. PKR
  6. Gorta
  7. Dat
  8. Eevee
  9. Emila
  10. Wazza
  11. Marshal
  12. Zone
  13. N1

this is a long read

lets start

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we already know the roles

There’s more than 16 roles



This looks fun but I don’t think I have the time to join :frowning:


I’ll try and sort somethimg for spectators.

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t h e d a r k o n e

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If anyone has any questions, now is a good time to ask

If one Guard spawns (or other classes that spawn multiple) do the full group of 4 spawn or is it pure RNG?


Guards do not spawn in multiple. The “X Y and Z” are place holders for other security roles.

Cops spawn in pairs. There can be more than one.


forceroll me Kidnapper thanks

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forceroll me as THE DARK ONE

For roles that must kill the Tycoon they have to be the one to do it right? So if someone else kills the Tycoon they lose?

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So are there executions?

No. As long as they find him dead, they can then leave.

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Traps can kill, but most deaths will be PvP

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Is there a cap on how many of certain classes can roll?

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No, but if it is stupid I will reroll