[MISC] Karma - (canned)

sips on sour strawberry freeze

PoisonedSquid was Poisoned by being frozen to deaf


The sour refreshing feeling of a strawberry frozen drink…

Gave you +2 Concentration and - 20 Mobility.

You have died.

/Revive Mint Squid

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game start
the very next instant
marshal and kyo:


15 Found Dead at Westshire Hotel

Rumours of a slaughter at Westshire hotel has been confirmed by a police officer who recently visited the Bureau. It is confirmed that 15 residents staying in the hotel were mercilessly killed last night by an unknown murderer. police showed up on the scene within minutes, however the culprit was nowhere to be found. Some are speculating the murderer could’ve been a police officer since the police station is only a few minutes shy of Westshire, although there is no current evidence that suggests it.

The police officers who are currently working on the case say that no one should panic and that they have their best detectives on the case, the officer who visited the Bureau said this “We have our best detectives on the case, and are trying our best to get to the bottom of this. I want to urge everybody to remain calm. We are doing our best to catch whoever did this, and the best thing that everybody can do to help us is to not panic.”

Despite the murder only happening last night the detectives have apparently made amazing progress, although most of this evidence was classified it’s in the public’s best interest to trust in the investigative team and remain calm.

Anyone who lives or is traveling around Westshire hotel should do so with caution, since whether or not the murderer will continue this onslaught is unknown. The police have promised to keep us updated.
This story was written by Nicholas Cain.


Public Opinion: Uneasy

So who wrote that story?

Nickolas Cage



Damn Cain.

Nicholas, how dare you publish that story without proper proofreading and without the editors review it?

Now we wait for the second set of murders

I’m not part of the game, nor am I actually a host, but I just wanna try spinning my English gears for once. I’ll put up an article of the same thing.

I did edit spelling mistakes and some grammar, but most of it is just pure nicholas

Do you want to be the Journalist Editor?

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Is the like assent?

I really wanna host something else lol.
But I can’t :sob:

I’m being outplayed by a certain someone help me.

are they breaking the law?