[Misc] Resistance: Throne of Lies - CANNED

my deed is done for today

Time to smack them doodles around.
Hocus Pocus
Your reads are now a noodle

Iā€™ll pick apart people when it comes to my proposal.

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One full day
Literally no one talks

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ded gmae

@Napoleon @MaximusPrime
Replace some people
Holy moly
Its like people dont even wanna do jack here

Yup. Which is why I said before the quicker the game goes the less reads scum gets on Prince.

Me 2 weeks ago: ā€œOh, should I even enter this? Forum games might take a lot of commitment, with such frequent posting and all.ā€

Me now: ā€œWhatā€™s a post?ā€


Iā€™m sorry, but replacing people doesnā€™t help when Iā€™ve only received 4 votes within a deadline.

The Unseen can just reject every proposal that way then?

Yes, it would make for an unfair game if I were to be super strict on deadlines.


ibe submitted my vote

reee i submitted my vote 21 hours ago

I submitted mine

I know some of you voted but I just pinged everyone because itā€™s easier for me. Sorry for the ping if you submitted your vote.


Itā€™s okay. I still love you.

For now.


Hey guys, Im not getting votes; can we please vote? AIso, can you guys put the mission number beside your accept or reject in your cIass card; it makes it easier for me to sort out votes; it is Mission 2 - 4 right now

I say
Those who havent voted have an ultimatum and be replaced from that time on

Also, weā€™ll need more backups. If we donā€™t we may as well can the game from the inactiveness ppl have been.
Not to put pressure on the host, but itā€™s getting really bad as this is the only game Iā€™m in rn.


Iā€™m gonna frame this and put it on the Resistance: Throne of Lies fridge.

I do feel like weā€™re on the path of canning this, unfortunately.

Itā€™s really to no fault of the hosts, though. Theyā€™re trying. If they force rejected every non-voter, the game would simply end due to hammer being refused. They really canā€™t force reject that many peopleā€¦

A shame, really. Iā€™ve enjoyed this even if it hasnā€™t gone very far.

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