[Misc] Resistance: Throne of Lies - CANNED

I understand the force rejection part, its true the host can’t do anything about that. That just makes things really easy for the baddie Unseens. We don’t want that.

However, the fact is inactive players are just killing the game (not dead yet).

Who’s active? Marshal? You? Kyo? Simon?
These are the people thus far with actual content. Magnus to an extent as well but he’s been MIA for a while.

The rest are just plopping their “memes” around like it’s natural and not being serious.

I’ll attempt to move the game along by doing my analysis now instead of later so we have a direction to move on, instead of everyone drowning inside a pool because we don’t even try to use our arms and legs.

Prepare for roast, metaphors galore.
The Shu is angery with people.


i have found the ire of the shu shu

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I don’t want this to be another WiFoM. a misc game that shows promise and then dies a little later on.

I like this game. Don’t let it die.

  1. I see a lot of preliminary level reads.
    Magnus! Your filthy mission proposal was so bad it made my rotten eggs taste good!

He has also stated that one does not simply put more than one hacker into a team. Simon literally had a 50% chance to have one hacker in the team, and 25% for another (if he’s town). If scum, why would he even put another scum in? He would however have failed the quest and started the ball rolling.

Kai! Post 325~327
Why get info when you can get success?
What if there are unseen in that team?
Then we get info.
Excuse me I never clarified on that because I was a lvl 0 dumbfuck at the time, but man what were you expecting? A week long debate on how 1 failure (unlikely more) ruined the mission and that all that it took were the four people inside the team? Heck, Magnus said it himself!

In which world are you expecting scum to be so idiotic they’d go and put themselves all as bluffers in the first team?

Now that goes on, Kai will stop sheeping blindly onto things they don’t see. “Is it a bluff or not?” Put more thought into your responses.

This is the first mission.

Magnus and Kai have no brain usage beyond 20 seconds, Simon is probably town or bigbrain scum.

you see

resistance requires skill
I have no skill

plus ims wamped with work ah

Coincidentally, they were the only two to accept on Magnus’s idiotic proposal so I’ll come back to that later

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Hold the fuck up
Issac but wtf is that reject on your own proposal LOL

dude the votes on isaacs proposals are actually the weirdest thing


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Hey hey
You’re totally aaaa right?

I’m what now

I have a theory…

Damn it katze you were supposed to be
“Yesss man im actually not aaaa but pppp”

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Yesss man im actually not aaaa but pppp

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Guess Imma go back to work

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You know
When the game is so dead

I didnt do my job here

@Isaac_Gonzalez @Wazza @Ami @Soulshade55r
Explain each and every one of your votes on all your proposals.

I’ll be the next poster and it’s important for me to scumread stuff.

I don’t know personally I think I said no to all the others and accepted the last one from my memory

Rip the activity

Gimme something concrete to work with than “I not sure” man.

If we fail on my proposal we don’t have much leeway man

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I’ll try I just can’t remember my reasoning for most things (aka this game has been super dead)

I generally normally like to wait for hammar or do standard when I play mindnight. n1.

I like n1+1 n2 (Most of the time).

Isn’t much reasoning other then that to my voting I’ll look into things

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