[Misc] Resistance: Throne of Lies - CANNED

3rd Day.

It’s the 3rd day of the game.

l o s e r

iirc kokichi is the one that died :thinking:

ok time to stop derailing go vote if u haven’t already lol

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I’ll see you all when everybodys voted! image


lmfao the image loaded so slowly for me. that was great.

accurate representation of the wait, then

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Want to know something that really annoys me?

You are in this game.
S p e a k


this needs more likes

If you are Unseen, admit it and say what your class is.

I am Unseen and I am a Duke.


Prince please execute Wazza.

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Already on it hen.



If we haven’t reached 550 posts by the time I finish school tomorrow I clearly have too high expectations for you all.

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Whoa whoa whoa
That’s a little too unrealistic per se :slight_smile:
People ain’t never gonna speak here because they are all pretending to be prince

Bad boy.

no wazza you dont have too high expectations.
cmon people lets count to 550
ill start:

Also me: There’s katze, who was in previous mission. Could be a bluff, but hey most likely not.

Kyo is probably safe. Dunno bout Issac, but he’s probably just Unseen so lets just accept this and go forward


Kyo is definitely safe considering he’s the Prince and will prove himself by securing this mission even though I’m starting to wonder why a Prince has to prove themselves


I don’t know how to count.

I’ve already submitted my vote. I’ll explain my thought process behind it when it’s publicized if asked of me, but I don’t really mind either way how this goes.