[Misc] Resistance: Throne of Lies - CANNED

thats okay :heart:
we can count for you.
ive also submitted

cuz ur acting like a pretender

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543 Issac confirmed scum
Didn’t continue post count.

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shit man.

Day 545

We are still stranded out here. The oceans are getting heavy. They will consume our island- our sanctuary. We’ve decided that Isaac would be the best captain to man the boat in our desperate call for help. We believe he’s still deciding the sailors.
Who knows? The mission might even be as successful as it was last time. Or perhaps the boat might just happen to spring a leak?

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Anyways, can we have predictions on whether or not this mission will fail or succeed?

If you guys haven’t voted yet, please vote otherwise we’ll just mark you as a deny.

will be sending out prods later today

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Just vote 4Head


im sorry wazza :cry:
i wanted to count, just for u

sob 549…

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550 :sunglasses:

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When should I check back here to see :eyes:

oh we aren’t completely ded

Are you expecting us to all die? O.o
Confirmed Unseem no vote him

no I’m just sad that I’ll never know the true meaning of happiness and the never ending thoughts of depression eating me inside.

Prince claim btw what do I do in this game as prince

As pronce claim, you claim butler and pick two random people that are not assassin to be your targets

How do I jail?

You must wait for the night phase to arrive.

There is no night phase.

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Hey people
Just vote success on this one
This is an easy pass as I am a guaranteed +25% on this

Prince please jail me, I have important info

im butler wazza/soul is pretender/prince