[Misc] Resistance: Throne of Lies - CANNED

The team was Rejected!
Proposal: Isaac_Gonzalez, Kyo_Daz, Shurian, katze

Accept Magnus, Shurian, Simon, KyoDaz
Reject Isaac_Gonzalez, Soulshade55r, Andrej, katze, Kai_5, WazzaAzza

@KyoDaz it’s your turn to propose a team now

Key Events list has been updated.

Why did you accept here?

Because I can.

Also because I have no reason not to.

You are very clearly not in the mission, at this point in time you’d want to be in the mission.

I have this lingering feeling that you aren’t a very yummy man.

I assume someones gonna ask me why I rejected a mission I was in. And I’m too lazy to keep checking the post, so… I have a very scummy read on at least one person in the proposal. I also think that Wazza should be in this mission, since the Sheriff gets a lot more information that way. Also, we have up to five proposals per mission, so there’s no harm using a couple of them.

It’s almost as if one of us was scum in that party!

Why is no one on?

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These mudbloods will doom us all dudes
Every fragging mission will get rejected
And we lose!
Jesus people start speaking up or something

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Mud blood?
Instant evil.

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Dead forum game. Rest in peace Mindnight Resistence.

All of these were sent, right? None were inactivity?

In that case, at least we know Andrej exists. I almost forgot he did, after all.

I’m going to bed. If I wake up and this isn’t at 600 posts BD will self destruct or something.

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Everyone spew your top unseen read now
If it’s an inactive you can’t exactly read them, just accuse them.

most were probably inactivity. maybe not yourself, katze, or wazza, but id be willing to bet the other three did nothing

especially isaac who proposed the mission in the first place

Isaac I suppose.

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Issac.exe has stopped responding

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Pick another.

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anyone who didn’t send one was automatically counted as a reject

dunno if nap wants me to out if any were auto rejects or actually voted or not

Shurian give me another except Isaac as well.
You too Wazza & Katze.