[Misc] Resistance: Throne of Lies - CANNED

Im butler Myself/kai_5 is pretender/prince

Im butler me and myself is prince

Move your jaws
Use your fingers
Where the fricc??

At this rate
I dunno Unseen is gonna win by timeout or something

Can tell us how many people who have not voted at this point? Itā€™s slow and badciv.

Blame me.

is ā€œIā€ prince?

Most probably not but maybe thinks yes

when i get the time i will just make everyone who didnā€™t vote be auto deny

For every vote that is autodenied, I die inside a little bit more

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hjwesraerawqsdvswadvbdfwsefarf[quote=ā€œMaximusPrime, post:569, topic:78153, full:trueā€]

when i get the time i will just make everyone who didnā€™t vote be auto deny

qwe[quote=ā€œMaximusPrime, post:569, topic:78153, full:trueā€]

when i get the time i will just make everyone who didnā€™t vote be auto deny



I spammed a bunch of letters and it broke my forums.

I think you may have had a seizure. Please jail me and I will give you the proper medications.


Oh my what has happened here.
Oh no, that isnā€™t good.
Please contact ASDA Customer Service for more info.


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@Napoleon has been proded.

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@MaximusPrime has been proded.

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Please do not discuss the nature of prods, since they are entirely not alignment indicative.

Not like hosts have any aligment to begin with

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sorry, was sick so i wasnā€™t really doing anything

sure, lemme check the latest team mission proposal tho

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