[Misc] Resistance: Throne of Lies - CANNED

I’m praying the rest dont just go
“I don’t know” as well
I’ll tear my hair out >_>

Thanks for trying better then what most of us are doing right now

Isn’t it hammer now? e.e

What Hammer
There is only
Yae or Nae

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People just dieded

Not hammer yet.

If this proposal fails, Shurians is hammer.

People somehow reject my proposal

Welp it is time when Americans should be starting to sleep
Eurpoe should be way asleep by now…

Unless your me because um it’s 5am .-.

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After rejecting this one

If this one is rejected and then yours is also rejected, the Unseen auto win. Hence the hammer.

Hopefully people are active later.

N1 could be a bluff but generally I see a lot of n1 surprisingly get hacked because it causes confusion and doubt ect.

I keep using mindnight terms sorry hacked = Failed.

Nah its the same meaning anyway.

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If its not obvious
I am reading bad Magnus and bad Kai

Wasn’t super obvious to me :eyes:

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Wazza is on the sidelines
Soul is also on sidelines

I see posts and I’m okay with that

Kyo and Marshal are high on my town list.

Thus the post
Me bad at articulation sometimes

Now psst time to townlock me yessings?

Generally a good idea to put your most town reads in a mission, of course no need to rush and sometimes it’s even good to test people in situations where you may have more then 1evil in a mission

Shurian you aren’t lock town but you are high town for bothering ect. It may change depending on your mission team ect, so you get no lock >:I

I don’t think anybody should have any locktowns yet.

Not enough information, really.