[Misc] Resistance: Throne of Lies - CANNED

What makes you say that?

It’s me, you, and two n1 dudes

Because he’s gonna do it himself. Like I’ve said quite a few times, Kyo is scum.

My scumreading senses are absolutely fuming at the sight of that mudkip picture.

katze realises I’m blatant town and turns towards my avatar as a reason for faking their scumread, and tries to turn it into a meme.

No. I’m still very confident you’re scum.

But this mission could change my mind, I suppose.

I want to accept this.
I am more then okay with shutian having hammer, but I like this mission

I accepted it because I’m confident that I know who the scum is if it fails, and if it doesn’t fail then I’ll accept that perhaps I was wrong.

That, and I don’t want to go to hammer when half of the players are inactive.

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I can’t even replace inactive people because there are more inactives than there are backups.


Replace 3 of them then.

I thought I backup’d too.

Replace 4 of them then.

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You get a replacement, you get a replacement!

Everybody gets a replacement!

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@Napoleon I believe your best bet here is to replace as much people as you can, I want to personally continue playing this game but inactivity is making it unfun (Yes, it’s on my end also but I’m British so)

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If PKR is going to be a backup, that’s 3 more backups we’ve got…

That should be enough? I don’t know who hasn’t voted… but at one point most of us were active.


that might be concerning.

Also that.

We might need some CPR here.

Me right now.

It’s been an honor serving with you lads.




Sorry guys, we agreed to can this game a couple days ago but the hosts had a misunderstanding on who would make the post.

I don’t have enough backups to replace players. I also don’t have any updates from the players who haven’t voted yet.

I kinda lost my willpower and the time to host this game further. Sorry guys, I didn’t want it to turn out like this.


I just realized I had three backups. But I can’t really do this anymore guys.

Who didn’t vote?

can we have rolls? t
