[Misc] Resistance: Throne of Lies - CANNED

Last thoughts before sleep:

Wazza was pretty active before, I’d imagine he’s just not around.


:thinking: I feel like Marshal is waaay too recently added to be high on any list. And I’ve made my opinions on Kyo clear.

I feel like I haven’t seen too much Kai since very early. Hard to tell.

I think you’re a bit dumb, I’ve explained my votes EVERYTIME before the proposal ended.

I ask for things and I dont get them
Im twiggered

Seriously though I didn’t read most of the things after looking at the first few. I remember thinking you and Soul had semi detailed posts but I glossed over them. Hold up a little.

Then read before you ask random things.

I must have somehow clumped you with Kyo and Katze together because I can’t find any good posts besides announcing who you’re going to check and some… less than good posts.

You explained only one. (I can acknowledge that you may have included this in your next proposal, but if you want to know why I’m insisting on this, read the last paragraph.)
The Issac Proposal. I don’t care for the first for that’s really most likely a fakeout (which scum wants to go 1/3 or 2/3 from the start?). Magnus’ proposal, what of it? Issac I found this.

Quote your explanations for me if I mistook them. I want your thought process. I don’t want my interpretation of your thought process cloud my read on you.

Your reaction right now comes off as angry and indigcancy, and I will understand due to my aggressive tone rn, but that only makes you ever the more lower in my books.

TLDR: I confused you and Soul with good posts from Kyo, Katz. Make or break with your next post. Refute my observation of you, and please dumb the explanation down for me.

After all, I’m blind, probably not ask random things right?

You’re not the only person I want on.
I want soul’s (he at least replied and has given an acknowledgement), kai (acknowledged) and magnus (???).

I won’t be mincing my words, I’ll be cutting deep. This is me with this game. Don’t expect any Mister Nice Guy here.

And yes, I won’t be speaking without not using my head anymore, you cleared it up alright. At least for the next few hours, my head clears when incited a little.

And btw, @Simon… I can see your arguments clearly made, and I have something to say.
You said you won’t make reads, I know. >_>

Let’s say, 1/2 people failed (hacked) this proposal which was passed. What will you do when that happens?

I have been suspecting Magnus, I’m pretty sure if you read some more, you would’ve seen that I’ve disliked him almost all gae.

Anyone else? Noteworthy? Views?

Your read on Magnus started after he put his (horrible ass proposal). Can’t blame you, I said his reasoning was logical because he was a fundamental levelled player.

So you rejected Issac’s proposal based on Magnus’s inclusion into the team, am I right?

The people who are letting it die are scum. Why should they need to speak if all it does is harm them?
Glad to see a post increase since I last checked in though. Force them to speak.

Post increase.
Me: I think 50% of it is by me.

Emphasis on think, I can’t be bothered to look at my own posts. Imagine reading myself.

Be quiet peasant.


I really couldn’t care less about anyone else, I’m busy tunneling Magnus because if he is scum, I want the Prince to be able to trust me, and if it’s not one of the Prince’s things? Then that could give Prince a hint that Magnus might be Mastermind.

Exactly. It is in me and Wazza’s best intentions to silence town. Peasant.

Shurian has been killed.
An exhume report shows that he has died from…

Shutting up.

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We are Unseen together :sunglasses:

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Sellsword code 101 initiate protocol: inform unseen team
init: silence Shurian


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if theres one fail, id be fine trying to put the same team on mission four, plus a known town. its generally highly unlikely that 1 of 2 scum fail a mission; either they both fail it or they both succeed it, and its fine if theres 1 spy on the fourth mission
if theres 2 fails? scrap the team. it isnt worth it to try and save the two towns on the mission with the risk the two scums pose. we’d be better off forming a team off 6 unknowns than we would on a team of 4 with 2/2 town and scum. im not sure who id put on the next mission exactly, but that is the idea

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If we pass this misson we have it pretty much in the bag unless they guess prince

This mission is not passing.