[Misc] Shortnight 3: Chloe's Revenge (3/9) - SCUMCIETY WIN

I have a feeling Amelia starpassed. We need Wazza here though.

Let’s look!
Potential minions! Amelia and Eli
Potential Demons! Me and Gorta!
I’m dead
Gorta’s dead! One of us was the demon, right? Except Gorta claimed recluse! A role that could not be in the game with me! And I was a demon ping, not a minion ping. If I had actually been demon and there was a baron (which would be necessary for two outsiders in the game) the game would be over. Ergo, gorta is locked to have been lying, which invalidates his outsider claim. This, in turn, invalidates Eli’s outsider claim, and also lines up with my investigator info to culminate in the team being Gorta - Chloe, and Eli - Scarlet Woman turned Chloe.

how so

oh wait
your info
i thought you meant your role was jinxed

Investigator with a Scarlet Woman ping
Either I’m correct, or there’s a poisoner and I’m poisoned, or there’s a baron and I’m drunk, in which case it would still be a third outsider claim

@an_gorta_pratai you are at L-1 with a setup redcheck
defend yourself scum

a la sigh

Gorta, obviously.

Like I said yesterday, I was gonna kill Gorta.

Gorta did not starpass.

…and amelia is dead
what is this game

Demon had no reason to kill Gorta.
I had no reason to kill Amelia.

Either way, I don’t exactly care about these kills.

Amelia was a target that I wanted to kill myself, but I chose Gorta instead.

Investigator ping: am i a joke to you

Once again I shall request that we kill the first execution once more.

But THIS TIME can we actually talk about who we want to nominate instead of just nominating them, cough cough AMELIA cough cough.

I realised that Amelia was Empath claiming a 1 so in my eyes either Amelia or Aelin were evil or a Drunk appeared but I doubt the Drunk part since you know 2 outsider claims, etc. etc.

alright that’s fair

How did I know this was going to happen

a la sigh

@clonedcheese @PokemonKidRyan @Marluxion

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You guys make me laugh