[Misc] Survivor:Adiart [Final Tribal Council]

not even the simpsons has that many

idk donā€™t ask me.

Survivor USA is on itā€™s 39th season.

Thank you


The new season is coming out atm and is well good, I watch it for free in daily motion just search ā€œSurvivor S39 E01ā€ on it and it comes up

U watching the new one marshall?

I actually found I prefer binging much more, so Iā€™m waiting until s39 is done and then binging it.

It isnā€™t betrayal if I already stated I wasnā€™t going to ally with you or Eevee. But yeah I wonā€™t lie I did vote you, and I also voted you for my favorite person that got voted out on that one challenge :woman_shrugging:

I tried really hard on the last challenge but that is sad to hear.

Listen up, Iā€™m not going to say I played this game perfectly or the most kindly or anything, but I did try really hard on the social aspect and I was nearly voted out three times. It kinda sucks that Iā€™m being bashed on for being honest about who I was voting and playing the game to the best of my ability. I suck at challenges blatantly. The only reason why I got here was because of my interactions with others.

My original plan was to be an open book because I thought that most people in these types of shows get their ass kicked in the end when people that got voted out realized you were a total snake. But at the end of the day I do realize that I kind of am the Heather of this game. Even though Heather isnā€™t a nice person, canā€™t you all admit that she at least played well?

So at the start of the game I was perfectly honest with my motives and everything. PKR and Derps were my allies from the Cult tribe. I didnā€™t trust Eevee or Marshal since they formed their own Blue Dragon tribe and I was open about not trusting them and I refused to pretend that I would be allies with them when I wasnā€™t going to be (since I was trying to play the open and honest card). Then at some point Isaac messages me about how the New cult alliance had created a group chat and were planning to vote me out. Jgo also informed me about this and gave me the idol hints that he had collected. Neither of my official allies (Derps or PKR) informed me of this and they were essentially trying to fuck me over.

So I knew that Marshal has the Idol and that he was giving it to PKR based on outside info. I told Derps ā€œhey vote out PKRā€ to see whether or not he was a loyal ally that was going to inform me of this, to which he replied ā€œokayā€ ā€” this is when I knew Derps couldnā€™t be trusted. I only stopped being loyal to people after they betrayed my trust or loyalty ā€” all game (except for Simon, admittedly. Sorry Simon).

So since Jgo was very loyal to me I was honest and loyal to him ā€” but Isaac and Hippo had already asked me if I wanted to be in the final 3 with them and I had already accepted that offer. So I intended to take J to the final 4 or 5 at least since he was so loyal and kind to me all game. But Hippo and Isaac were as well so I didnā€™t plan on betraying them either. I voted Wazza with Jgo but apparently Hippo and Isaac has talked to Squid and Wazza and Simon without informing me and decided to vote out J on their own. I felt pretty guilty about this because J was like loyal to me all freaking game and I trusted him the most, but I did vote with him and never personally betrayed him :confused:

Then I started thinking that maybe Hippo was gonna betray the alliance with me Isaac and Hippo since he went against me and I got kinda scared. I DMā€™d Isaac and I was like ā€œman we gotta vote out one of the people in the unseen alliance because Hippo is gonna side with them over usā€ and Simon DMā€™d me and told me to vote Squid so I told Isaac to vote Squid. But then I expressed my doubts in the DM with all three of us and Hippo said that he didnā€™t tell me they were voting Jgo because he thought I was going to betray them which is kind of a stretch, because we were only two people, but whatever.

After that I had to have faith in my alliance or else I was going home anyway so I had to vote off Simon despite telling him that I was going to vote off Squid (sorry again).

But yeah. Then I tried really hard to win the final challenge because I figured if Wazza got immunity rather than me I wouldā€™ve lost.

Tldr; Iā€™m not perfect, I just did what I needed to do to win and I played pretty well Socially. But if youā€™re gonna give the win to anyone I think @Wazza deserves it because he was loyal to his unseen tribe and won some challenges and played really well. Plus heā€™s just a nice guy yknow. I sympathize with him

Iā€™m not a betrayer by any means, I simply protected those who were most loyal to me

I only betrayed those who betrayed me or those who I didnā€™t trust except for Simon which I apologize for

this feels more like "if you are gonna vote someone, vote for the person whoā€™s probably not gonna beat me.

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Not true, I just feel like Wazza played better. He won more challenges and Hippo didnā€™t even try on some challenges, and also he was overall a more loyal person who got betrayed by Hippo

I not only Voted Wazza because I was in an alliance with Hippo and Isaac, but because I saw him as my greatest competitor

And thatā€™s just facts. I was thinking ā€œif I was in the final 3 with Hippo and Isaac, Isaac and I might be even but Hippo would prob winā€ but I also thought ā€œIf Wazza is in the final 3 Iā€™m definitely going to loseā€

But I thought it was gonna be a challenge so

No offense Marshal, but you were playing like a Tyrant and when I asked around almost everyone wanted to vote you out. They were just afraid they were going to be next if they did so

I actually think Isaac played an incredibly incredibly strong game and may have won in a final 3 of us 3 but only if ppl here voted on actual gameplay as opposed to previous conceptions.

Isaac is criminally underrated as a strategist which is why the first thing I did at merge was approach him and ask him to be my number 1 ally.

big brain

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But honestly I know Iā€™m not gonna win because Iā€™m gonna speak my truth rather than being a suck up to anyone else