[Misc] Survivor:Adiart [Final Tribal Council]

honestly i kinda was expecting it, i just had hoped for a teeny bit of warning.
like, had i made it to the end i almost certainly would have won. you had to do it.

Oh no, I was expecting to be sent home, I just didnā€™t care anymore.

Everyone knows whats going to happen after itā€™s happened.

Jgoes is also apart of jury forgive my tiredness when I announced it


What about hijask?

What about her

Why isnā€™t she on jury?

The idol answer is ā€œUse this gospelā€ by Kanye West from Jesus is King. I found it but just didnā€™t care anymore.

She never participated in the game, maybe

Terrible album, I donā€™t blame you

@Ami we woo we woo


Teleology if u could sum up ur game as a single type of biscuit what would it be and why

Iā€™m voting for Tele btw. Hippo technically shouldā€™ve been removed from the game a while ago because he had more than 3 strikes.

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I only know one type of biscuit

Biscuits and gravy:

Everything seems all fluffy and fine in public but in private itā€™s a battlefield of hot gravy

Some people like gravy

Other people donā€™t like gravy

Those who didnā€™t like the gravy as much got booted

grabs broom shu get out of here.


You misunderstood me.

Iā€™m not salty, I just have noone to vote.

2 out of 3 people here should be home for inactivity.
You didnā€™t bother to search for idol till you got hints thrown in your face.

Why would I vote to win someone who imo didnā€™t bother to win this.
What you were supposed to do is convince me you did bother about this game.

Attacking me back is not gonna win my vote.

Also @DatBird

How was idol plaied in final 4 if you said before it works untill F5 only?

Thatā€™s not what I said