[Misc] Survivor:Adiart [Reunion, Day 39]

i got a higher score than you and now im back

when you for once actually try in a challenge and u still lose

what method did you use to get to 50

i had 0’s for the past like 3-4 challenges bruh

the mash buttons method

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There is a new Hidden Immunity Idol hidden FIRST to find it wins it

theres a technique to it. pretty easy once you know it too


I didn’t try at all because I knew no one would get higher than me and i was too lazy to keep going so i killed my self

I shoulda kept going i was going pretty fast too

do you care about the strat at all?

what strat?

for qwop

I didn’t look up strats I just spammed QWOP and i got to 54

theres a strat, its not just mashing

in fact if your good enough you can legitimately run. like actually. its wild

i am not good enough

no way

yes way

The next challenge will be:


TypeRacer - the global typing competition

Race against live opponents typing quotes from books, movies, and songs.

Highest wpm or Words per minute under practice mode with pic that shows current date. I would reccomend a keyboard if u can. If not I apologize, but its one of the last few challenges I have saved

eevee losing to rule changing again.


@Simon was your submission before or after time rule was introduced?

Mine was before and as you can see I was taking my time to prepare to actually jump, since I thought there is no time, just distance.

Like seriously, why does rule changing usualy hit me?

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