[Misc] Survivor:Adiart [Reunion, Day 39]

Yknow we give you a nice fun little strategy game and you fuckin do this. Can you like actually fucking not try to break the challenges?

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Hello Kai

I’m sitting in the pews writing this rn, let me get home then you’ll get another fucking challenge


Can u check discord?

B…But Kai, I did nothing wrong? T-T
I’m so sorry but I think I actually did a good.
Wanted to like let this game move on. Yet now it’s going to like the… third challenge.

already have

So that ones a no go then.

Tbh, I’m not salty I lost, I lost fair and square from Tele, but this game is taking far too long to be fair

Sorry with timezones these 1 on 1 challenges can take a lot of time.

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Excuse me, we actually used strategy to find best possible way to win a game.


Also, who the fuck broke the challenge?

Yeah, basically this.
I’m experienced with Squava and other puzzles, that’s why I did it Shrug

If we had stayed quiet, I’d have won it all but it would’ve just taken forever I feel like I did the game a favour by saying about it in private and trying to make us not wait like Wazza said.

You know that was my plan, right?

We mind melded shrug
Shoot me :stuck_out_tongue:

sorry for being pissy, i like church as my 2 hours a week to focus on my irl self

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Like I thank ya for coming forward, it’s great to know what kind of challenges do and dont work. It sucks this one is exploitable. Just let us know a tiny bit faster if you can next time since we were like 3 days in at this point

May I ask, who exploited?

Pkr and Eevee both found a unbeatable strategy

Peeks in.
Crunches popcorn.
Runs away.

[It was an interesting read. Will be following this. ;)]

(Not in game)

I don’t think it’s an exploit…
It’s just kinda a good strategy.
Exploit sounds cheaty. Idk. I was doing a good.

Sorry for not saying so sooner, wanted things to end.