[Misc] Survivor:Adiart [Reunion, Day 39]

Send it in ur classcard so I dont miss it when checking later tonight

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Was watching some qwop videos for some strats and saw that there is an end to QWOP. So if you do get to the end of the race, make sure the pic has the time it took you to finish. It is on the same end screen. This way if two people finish the race, the fastest time will be the winner. Prepping for worst case scenarios

Roughly 2 hours remain, results might be slightly delayed cause I am most likely going to be commuting home during that time.


No more submissions give me some time to calculate them plus do work

Calculating now

Hippo: 0 meters submitted

Jgoes: 51.3 m

Wazza: 37.2m

Squid: 1.5 m

Tele: 29.9 m

Isaac: 54.3 m

Now is Isaac’s score large enough to get the individual immunity idol

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Short Answer: No

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You weren’t the only one competing the dead were also. The one with the best score is being brought back instead of being a Jurer and guess what

Their scores were better


Dead Scores:

Marshal: Would prefer to be a Jurer

PKR: Where are you?

Eevee: 100.8 m and 86.4 s

Simon: 99.8 m and 77 s

And due to me making this clause when I realized there was an end

That makes our Dead Champion @Simon . You also won individual immunity. Sorry all the dead who didnt win. You will be our Jurers and that was our one battle back.

Tribal will begin after one announcement

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well after two @Simon remove urself from Ponderosa

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wtf? im so confused

i got a higher score than you and now im back

when you for once actually try in a challenge and u still lose

what method did you use to get to 50

i had 0’s for the past like 3-4 challenges bruh

the mash buttons method

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There is a new Hidden Immunity Idol hidden FIRST to find it wins it

theres a technique to it. pretty easy once you know it too


I didn’t try at all because I knew no one would get higher than me and i was too lazy to keep going so i killed my self