[Misc] The Apprentice - CANNED

I have witnessed the defamation damage that your company, “Democracy”, has caused.

It does, I have to be questioning a witness which im not

Badgering a witness doesn’t require you to be questioning a witness

There was clearly a HOSTILE comment made towards my legal knowledge which you intended to provoke me to drop the lawsuit.

“Badgering the witness” is the term used when an attorney is questioning a witness on the stand

No formal process has been defined therefore there can be no objections at this time.

However, before the opposition brings it up, Team Democracy would like to state that although SirDerpsAlot’s ideas and opinions represent our teams, his behavior and conduct unbefitting of court procedures do not reflect the values of our team.

As the task manager of Team Democracy I would like to call into question the judge’s impartiallity.


opening statements time

first from the plaintiff, @KyoDaz

The company, known as 'Democracy, has clearly defamed our company, known as ‘69.420’ by creating this libellious logo as seen below.


They have broken the fundamental rule of democracy. They are WARPING people’s perceptions of our company (defaming us) with this logo as it’s clearly better than ours. Why is this affecting us, you ask? Well. That’s simple. Our votes should clearly be higher than theirs as you said yourself and this is evidence for defamation.

My next claim is that their logo was not drawn by an artist in their team. Our logo is watermarked. They’ve clearly plaguarised this logo off of an artist.
I would like to press charges against “PoisonedSquid” for plaugurism, “SirDerpsAlot” for obstruction of justice (they attempted to claim that I am not a witness on the stand and spreading misinformation to the judge) and “Democracy” for defamation.

They are aware that they are in the legal wrong as said by their statement in this post:

That is precisely why I charge their lawyer with obstruction of justice rather than the company.

That is all for my opening statement.

@SirDerpsAlot your turn

The first charge brought up is not a crime, and their is no evidence presented that shows that it was drawn by someone other the PoisonedSquid.

Their still hasn’t been any criminal charges for me to actually have “obstructed”

Defamation isn’t a crime therefore their is just no case here.

Do you understand what opening statements are

Is this a criminal trial or a whatever it other thing was called

I’ve filed a lawsuit.

Oh yeah “innocent beyond a doubt” doesn’t apply to that then.

Do you understand what defamation is

like the standards for convinction is much lower

Objection, abusing the witness not having a public defender avaliable and is taking advantage of that

Kyo you already made your statement


The plaintiff may call its first witness

yeah, here they’d use preponderance of the evidence (which is like >50 percent or more)

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I call… @Italy to the stand!