[MISC] The Flood - Day 2 - Dawn Phase - FLOODED! (10/10)

please dont.
we may need them in the future.
if theres something we want to buy you can sell those to get it but you shouldnt sell them without something in mind

lets talk about it next round

I’m unsure what I should do now.

kill monster and loot them

im nto risking you guys trying to kill me

everyone wants me dead sooo

Stay alive

did you just read my mind?

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he literally said he would be modblocked


i want mana anyway

so your doing something that may hurt us later.

do you want us to want to kill you


Isaac. Not too much

No one actually wants you dead rn

Its basically just me and/or isaac

because when you do that stuff thats what it incites

im gonna die anyway from you gyus

i already know youre gonna kill me

because of what you’re actively doing!

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why you say that publicly

@Isaac_Gonzalez I’ll protect you. Why do you need mana?