Mystic "rework" idea for FoL/SFoL

Here is a thing. After watching some games i feel like Mystic seems not either very fun to play or useful for BD.

Sure, she’s confirmable but that’s all. Gathering claims? Prince is a lot better at this job + he’s always BD.

In the world where usually all claims are known to D3/D4 then she lost all usefulness and quickly turn gameplay into “Link X Player or you die”.

How about to just make “Conduct” into unlimited abillity and “Link Minds” with 2 uses?

An idea Mystic of being a sort of courier seems to be more interesting and useful as “connector” who would improve cooperation between BD in some cases. What do you think?


Less Confirmable mystic Idea:

(Let telepathy send a message to a single player thank you)

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I was thinking the same. Noble is just so much better than Mystic.

So Mystics strength is that she allows BD classes convene and make plans without scum knowing. She is pointless for getting claims as everyone claims by D3 in FoL. Problem is she can only link 1 person a night, and if she does conduit she cant contribute at all.

I saw someones mystic rework for ToL (maybe burritos) that looked p dec. imo I’d just make Mystic more of a simple neighbouriser.

The Mystic :shield:

Blue Dragon Social
Funeral rites (Passive) - When you die your neighbourhood is resolved, and all members will be occupied the following night.
Telepathy (Day) - Anonymously send a single 1000 character message through the host to the court. - 2 uses
Castout (Day) - Remove a player from your neighbourhood night chat. - Infinite uses
Link Minds (Night) - Add a player to your neighbourhood night chat. - Infinite uses.
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

It would make Mystic actually have a place - allow key BD to coordinate without Unseen knowing - cuz atm she is soooo shit.


Is the number of players in neighbourhood chat would be unlimited?

Yeah. The idea would be you could link up lots of BD members to allow them to effectively communicate and make mystic actually useful. Obviously outside of Prince and Sheradin you’d have to be careful who you add.

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Wait it solves link at night to prove

Just you get to stay in it as converted


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I’m not gonna lie i like this concept. The only thing i’m afraid of is if that would make BD even stronger than now. (Which i would avoid) But i believe it’s worth testing regardless. :+1:

Yeah it would be strong, which is why aswell as the neighbourhood resolving when she dies all members would be blocked. I agree you shouldn’t really be buffing BD classes but it’s more of a rework than a buff. Plus the problem of Scum having 0 chance to win in FoL is a far far deeper problem than a few classes, and needs to eventually be properly reworked.

Ideas for scum big buff changes thread inc?

Notifications need to be changed quite a lot, sorta like Marl mentioned on the FoL changes thread.

I also think BD need a substantial nerf:

  • I’m in favour of making Sheriff and Paladin like a normal BD (convertable, not guaranteed, not unique). It is an easy change (theres loads of marshall ideas) and BD just do not need two guranteed convert immune classes.

  • You could also just remove Prince entirely instead tbh.

  • You could also make it so NK wins with scum. NK has 0 chance of winning otherwise, and it would really really help Cult/Unseen.

Kings also need to be fixed because both Good and Neutral King are super OP and super confirmable which is really silly.


Sheriff does always spawn tho there.

Oh yeah

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I always forget that about ToL. Kinda weird.

I feel like that one not both of those should happen.

I feels like if prince is going sheriff should stay sheriff.

If sheriff is changing prince should stay

Yeah this version is my favorite

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cough make it into Guinevere from Camelot 1

To clarify

Not your version of the card

Just that version of Mystic

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yh I know

Mystic linking 1 person each night is just never gonna be useful

I was indeed the one who came up with that btw

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