Newbie Forum of Lies 1 - The Blue Dragon and Fool win!

You are going to look so, so stupid after this I can’t wait


Hammer me plebs and be mystified

old man finger waving pretty much here

My claim is entirely unneeded
I was suggested to be something
The new king guy implied I am a class again
It’s unneeded

I’m pretty sure I was upped once.

I don’t mind looking stupid. I’ll just be “well. I was wrong in my reads. Time to look it over again.”

In another game and pardoned before


Well, we call that being trialed. Like this one, where we decide to execute… or not.

Reminder that mathblade is electro and to not be pussies upping him :slight_smile:

Also, do try not to do a break-lolItoldyouso attitude.

So far, i never seen it help anyone in this forum. It usually backfires.

So try to think again

BD is in a very bad spot rn.

Would have prince jail MathBlade then just in case.

Some of the most powerful people I know have pussies.

I am not Electro lol.

As long as our prince gives a go.

I’ll hammer it hard.

Such resolve!

Hot take: Bazinga isn’t electro, he’s Servant. Because this tone here seems 100% different to his Days 1 and 2 tone.
Wolflean on Shurian for that hedge-y as fuck pardon by the way

there is not anything against Math at all. If he is electro my hats off to him

I agree and thank you.

I am cool with this. I want to send a message to the prince anyway.

Lol pardon pls
Not pardon. But abstain until our prince speaks.

overhtebin’s outed