Newbie Forum of Lies 1 - The Blue Dragon and Fool win!

Why would he cover for me (butler) when I’m dying tonight? From poison

Evil King’s goal is bound to the Unseen, not to seeing the Blue Dragon fall.

If you’re Electro you don’t die at night.

Death immunity =/= Poison Immunity. The poison would still kill Shurian.

Which means Evil King needs the electro on their side.

Death immune actually refers to attacks

Theres a reason why poison/bleed immune is a thing

@Marluxion @Ashe

Does death immunity on Electro cover all forms of death or just NKs?

NKs = night kills

Its good to be meticulous though

I mean, I had those too when I came here

The latter, only attacks.

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No, I’d need to see the Electro dead as well and it’d be a good idea to wipe them out now before it’s too late.

Death immunity is a term used on all classes.

Look at your bear skill and tell me if death immunity is there or not.

Okay so if you’re Electro then it’s literally a non factor unless you were healed.

Which I believe GamerPoke to be converted.

Bear Companion (Night) - Summon a bear to protect you, granting you death and conversion immunity for the night. You will kill any attackers (Bypasses night immunity). - 3 uses

Death immunity.

Right so oh I killed Alchemist then is a thing possibly?

it is possible the survivor tried to vig you and then was eaten by a savage bear, yes.

Emerald Potion (Night) - Poison a player, killing them. Immunity to nightshade poison does not protect a player from this attack. - 2 uses

@Marluxion @Ashe
Is this a poison or an attack?

It’s an attack.