Newbie Forum of Lies 1 - The Blue Dragon and Fool win!

also in FoL, Sheriff is the Unique, Guaranteed, Unconvertible hardcounter, so pretty important

yes which is why I didn’t want to claim with so few votes on the table today but oh well


its okay, i have to go now though but I’ll be back in a few hours

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Gotta wait till they are put on stand

i am on the stand, captain voted me

Redrabbit is now on trial. You may vote to decide her fate.

Hm so does anyone wanna cc sheriff claim ?

Always pardon a sheriff claim in my opinion. Also stupid to check me honestly, but whatever. I was bleeding, so why would you check me…

Well then since i was suspected as ek,why should i wait ? Rip the sheriff

Also don’t hammer anyone until we get Wolfy’s results, I want to know what he’ll find out.

Hahahah, you’re getting voted out immediately if you decide fate this.

Good to know that it’s an unseen game for sure though.

Well day would end and i would got rid of sheriff too.So gg for me.

Butlers, aim at Captain.

I’m going to laugh if he’s fakeclaiming Sheriff. Thanks for outing yourself Captain.

Nah they can’t poison at trial






Pardon and vote out Captain.

Not if i decide fate first

chill and let me read jfc