Newbie Forum of Lies 1 - The Blue Dragon and Fool win!

Your thoughts on this triple maid thingy?

Horrified Gasp

How could you lurk? I troosted u.
(Meme post not related to fm)

I was referring to you saying the classic Noz is back. Thatā€™s why I said I never left.

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Excuse me but wtf is that

What is that square @Shurian?

If you guys canā€™t see itā€¦ I guess itā€™s too bad :3

Please dont get side tracked by me

i kind of want @overthebin to claim

Not happening. I want to know what it is.
Codes or hidden messages are distinctly disallowed in forum games where I am from.

@Marluxion is that the case here?

@redrabbit How about no?

Uhh why

I already said that none of them are the electro bro, my hairs do not stand on edge when I do my hand reads over them

Itā€™s a pictureā€¦
Not sure why it ainā€™t showing up on your lappies tho

Soā€¦ they arenā€™t scum or anything?

Copy paste the link to the picture? The direct link?

Yeah. Pretty much.

@Ami @redrabbit

Because no?
I donā€™t see anyone claiming changing the fact we have three Maid claims and an electrocuter to hunt

Therefore we should not out more people for no reason.

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How are you so certain electro bro is in that group?

i thought we established that the maid claims are more likely unseen than electro
and weā€™re letting people just sit back and chill