Newbie Forum of Lies 1 - The Blue Dragon and Fool win!

I swear nobody knows how to use their brain

I agree with that statement.

However if you want people to come out of the woodwork ask a question mass claim sans reason is dangerous.



@Marluxion Thank you :slight_smile: Sorry for being paranoid.

Brb gonna encode all further messages in ROT13 /s


My guess is if the flag is accurate there is a Chinese firewall in the middle or Shurian copied from a Chinese program and that itā€™s getting blocked that way from us.

binā€™s been inactive by and large other than pushing on me with wolfy d2
but iā€™m not set on that push in particular

Wellā€¦ I think Iā€™m done shitpostingā€¦

Time to getā€¦ a little into the tunneling system.

/vote overthebin

I copied from discordā€¦

Pressure overthebin. I donā€™t like his silence one bit.

Damn Chinese.

Ah yeah bad idea. Save the picture first. Unless the other users have access to that channel it might not show up in the future.

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I think overthebin is town

What do you make of my all three scum theory Shurian?

also wolfyā€™s just been straight up gone for a while now
wonder if he has something external going on orā€¦??

If Luxy was MMā€¦ I doubt he would have converted a newbie slot. He would most likely go for you(Marl V2.0), Livicus or Wolfy.

Actually scratch that it would be possibleā€¦

I wouldnā€™t think the assassin would want to out themselves this early tbh, so imo one of the maid claims are legit. The others are phonies. But which one?

Wolfy- Nozzy- Luxy

Their actions are AI, but I havenā€™t looked into it deeply yet.
NoggyBuzzy and Luxy has been giving me better outlooks than Wolfy, whoā€™s probably openwolfing (to get lynched)

But the thing is, I believe that only one maid is present. and they may or may not be converted. Thus calling into question whether all that information given is accurate. Nothing is more confusing than a maid fiasta.

The route Iā€™m looking at is an information lynch. Which is lynch Wolfy (MM suspect, so let him liveā€¦? Urgh) OR lynch Luxy. Why? Because NozBugz has two of them conveniently in that night he used. We can then resolve the situation faster than we usually can.

He has something on if I remember correctly. He should have been busy with school.

I also donā€™t like the route Iā€™m going so please do tell me if there are better alternatives.

God I love how you give BD two scums and your alignment is thrown into question.

While you are confirmed to yourself, we canā€™t look into your role card and think that way as well. The only way to clear this is by your results, which we can only trust 1/3 of you.

So do understand this.

Also remember, Royals are not compatible with one another

Incest is not allowed in this kingdom.

But reinvest is wincest

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