Newbie Forum of Lies 1 - The Blue Dragon and Fool win!

Wait… Solic was attacked…?
Or did he bleed to death?

… Urgh thats shitty.

@redrabbit Question Assume Shurian is scum and Noz scum Shurian blocks Knight

Knight does to electrocution or bleed or NK
Is this valid?

@GamerPoke hasn’t been around that much do you guys think theres any possibility of a conversion there?
just throwing things out there

Or he died from CS

Or was Solic electrocuted

We are missing a lot of deaths.

well I had my scout on livicus and no activity from that so i think that at least was an electro death if it helps

Oh yeah that too

Imma head off for the night. See y’all

I’m sowwy… but scout here checks for conversion only

Its the old scout not the new ome

So then Livicus would have to have been either the NK or electrocuted N1.

Otherwise redrabbit would be dead unless redrabbit had protection or healing.

I am making an assumption you slept peacefully here redrabbit?

oh really? sorry didnt realize

How do I blocc when I was jailed?

Nevermind that theory
I knew I forgot something

yeah nothing happened afaik

I can guarantee I’m not Unseen (Bled+Jailed)

But the NK is prolly laughing behind the scenes

2 deaths only…?

So that explains one missing death if Livi was charged N1. It would also explain Wolfy’s fascination with Electro.

So Wolfy is confirmed MM.
Poor soul.

Livi was our only class type checker 3:

i think wolfy is definitely our lynch for today but the question just becomes who the jail/exe is for tonight
because i think someone needs to be executed in jail