Newbie Forum of Lies 1 - The Blue Dragon and Fool win!

If… Livi was charged n1 AND n2.
Which is… huh…???
Shouldn’t electro have done something else?

Not me I’m dying anyway

I would execute Noz in jail.

I don’t see how Noz is alive.

gamerpoke/cookies could also easily be the convert from N1 or last night just throwing that out there

I wouldnt exactly do that

Theres a chance Luxy is actually our NK.

Solic died… n3. See? He was bleeding right?


It’s why I want to see who scum poison then I wolf.

I don’t want to end the day til scum poison then I wolf then I prove not converted.

Scum does not poisom

Only butler has poison and its omly usable on king

poison/bleed same mechanic really

I mean who assassin day bleeds

Then I wolf


Its just 1/2 days
I can confirm myself here and now


Heal me if Wolfy flips MM. If he doesn’t, don’t heal.

Butlers are powerful :wink:


If you’re Electro you actually don’t die overnight right? Because bleeding kills at night I think?

Vote Count

Accused Accusers Number of Votes
Wolfy Nozbugz, Shurian 2/6

I can confirm myself as Butler here and now.

Because of this ability called poison.

i think between luxy/noz there’s a good chance of one of them being electro

Thing is, If I do that, I’m dead lel

But I can and will use it… when Ici comes out.