Newbie Forum of Lies 1 - The Blue Dragon and Fool win!

Do add.

Is there even a scorned?

Your math is also off too but I am at work so donā€™t have time to fix that

Right now you look desperate to save yourself versus what is protown.

You can easily say the King is indeed evil but by that case poison resolves that.

The proper play here is heal Prince and let you die and Prince doesnā€™t execute if really concerned over numbers but you have a flawed argument there in your counting.

I really want a lot of others opinions on this. I want them to see if I missed something or am just too paranoid.

i think your just thinking wayyy too hard

Interesting you think that. Care to elaborate? Because youā€™re arguing against yourself being town? I am confused by that.

I play 4D chess while you play 3D chess

You shouldnā€™t be playing chess at all with someone you believe is conf!town speak plainly.

Get on my level, im playing 5D chess

If youā€™re playing 5D chess then the extra dimensions are irrelevant as they are not perceivable by the naked eye.

Luxy what are your thoughts as to who is scum and town?

Noz bad, wolfy bad, possible shuri+ici bad.

Math good, me good, poke good

Have we executed wolfy yet

Waiting for 3 more votes


Sorry is my bitchy mood not coming off clearly? You are all gonna look so fucking dumb tommorow when you lynch me.

Your bitchy mood is completely unwarranted when I am trying to piece together a you town world and you are instead yelling at me instead of working WITH me

You donā€™t seem willing to work with me so why should I return the favor :tipping_hand_woman:

Fate Voters Number of Votes
Execute Icibalus, Shurian, GamerPoke, omfgcookies, Luxy 5/6
Pardon 0/6
1 Like

Math, do it, Thereā€™s nothing more to discuss

There is plenty to discuss I just got home and I am gonna plot out every possible case and rank them.